Saturday, November 28, 2009

Best Mastery In Computer

List of File Formats

1. File Name: Advanced Audio Coding

File Extension: .aac

Creator: Collaboration between corporations approved by MPEG

Creation Date: 1997

Media Type: Sound

Format: Lossy Compression

Notes: Developed to work as a part of MPEG-4, the AAC file format employs a very efficient form of compression meant to improve on the standard MP3.

2. File Name: Advanced Authoring Format

File Extension: .aaf

Creator: Advanced Media Workflow Association

Creation Date: 2000

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Created specifically for use in the post-production/editing environment to address interoperability issues. The AAF file format acts as a wrapper, is capable of storing metadata, and was designed to be versatile enough to withstand the myriad changes inherent in a production setting.

3. File Name: Audio Interchange File Format

File Extension: .aiff

Creator: Electronic Arts Interchange and Apple Computer, Inc.

Creation Date: 1988

Media Type: Sound

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Standard Macintosh file format that is compatible with Windows (.aif) and often used by digital audio devices. Regular AIFF files are uncompressed, but compressed versions of the format (AIFF-C or AIFC) were developed to function with various codecs.

4. File Name: Audio Video Interleave

File Extension: .avi

Creator: Microsoft

Creation Date: 1992

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: File most often created when DV files are imported from a camcorder to computer.

5 File Name: Bitmap

File Extension: .bmp

Creator: IBM and Microsoft

Creation Date: 1988

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Compressed or Uncompressed

Notes: Originally created for release with the Windows OS/2 operating system, BMPs are raster image files that are able to range from large, high quality files to small files of lesser quality. Also sometimes known as the DIB or Device Independent Bitmap. The format benefits from freedom from patents.

6. File Name: Broadcast Wave File

File Extension: .bwav

Creator: IBM and Microsoft

Creation Date: 1997

Media Type: Sound

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Differs from WAVE files in that it incorporates the capability to store metadata into each file.

7. File Name: Digital Video File

File Extension: .dv or .dif

Creator: Sony?

Creation Date: 1994

Media Type: Video

Format: Uncompressed

Description: File format used with content producing equipment (ie: devices that use digital video tape). Usually contained in an .avi wrapper after being imported to a computer.

8. File Name: Final Cut Pro

File Extension: .fcp

Creator: Final Cut Pro/Apple Computer, Inc.

Creation Date: 1999

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Proprietary file format created for use with the Final Cut Pro non-linear editing system. Within these files, video and audio clips, a timeline, still images, instructions for transitions, titles, etc. may be included.

9. File Name: Graphics Interchange Format

File Extension: .gif

Creator: CompuServe

Creation Date: 1987

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Lossless Compression

Notes: Created in 1987 as a replacement for CompuServes black and white only RLE format. Although GIF has been a popular for use on the web, CompuServe patented the format, limiting its circulation. In 1994, the PNG file format was introduced specifically to provide an alternative to the proprietary GIF.

10. File Name: JPEG

File Extension: .jpg

Creator: Joint Photographic Experts Group

Creation Date: August, 1990

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Lossy Compression

Notes: Publicly released in 1991, JPEGs are designed so that their rate of compression can be adjusted as needed to accommodate smaller file size. A popular web format, standard JPEGs are not patented, though iterations of JPEGs with added functionality are.

File Name: Keynote

11. File Extension: .key

Creator: Apple Computer, Inc.

Creation Date: 2003

Media Type: Presentation

Format: Container

Notes: Presentation file format used by Apple OSX application Keynote.

12. File Name: Apple QuickTime

File Extension: .mov

Creator: Apple Computer, Inc.

Creation Date: December 2, 1991

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: QuickTime was created as a format capable of incorporating a wide variety of media types from different operating systems for playback, distribution, or editing. A widely used standard, QuickTime files currently in use are very similar in structure to those originally produced.

13. File Name: MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer 3

File Extension: .mp3

Creator: Motion Picture Experts Group

Creation Date: 1991

Media Type: Sound

Format: Lossy Compression

Notes: Considered to use a very efficient form of compression, MP3 files are the most popular for distribution of audio content online. The acceptance of this format within software applications more generally has increased its popularity.

14. File Name: MPEG-4

File Extension: .mp4

Creator: Motion Picture Experts Group

Creation Date: 1998

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: Added 3D/Object-oriented support and DRM capabilities to prior MPEG video file formats.

15. File Name: MPEG-1 or MPEG-2

File Extension: .mpg

Creator: Motion Picture Experts Group

Creation Date: 1988

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: The MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 formats are part of a set of standard file formats created by the Motion Picture Experts Group. This set of formats was developed to provide a standard to distribute compressed moving image content over the internet.

16. File Name: Material Exchange Format

File Extension: .mxf

Creator: Pro-MPEG Forum

Creation Date: 2004

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Description: Developed as a collaborative project between moving image equipment companies as a container format for a wide variety of different types of proprietary content. MXF uses a metadata wrapper for the files it contains, supports timecode information, and was built to accept files or materials from the widest variety of sources possible.

17. File Name: Open Office Impress

File Extension: .odp

Creator: Sun Microsystems

Creation Date: 2000

Media Type: Presentation

Format: Container

Notes: Created by the German company StarDivision in the mid-1980’s, the StarOffice Suite was acquired by Sun Microsystems and developed as an Open Source, multi-purpose, cross-platform office application.

18. File Name: Ogg Vorbis Compressed Video

File Extension: .ogm

Creator: Ogg Vorbis

Creation Date: 2003

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: Open Source media container format.

19. File Name: Portable Network Graphics

File Extension: .png

Creator: The Portable Networks Graphics Development Group of the World Wide Web Consortium

Creation Date: October 14, 1996

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Lossless Compression

Notes: Created specifically to replace the patented GIF format, .png files (pronounced “ping”) are smaller than GIFs, offer lossless compression, and benefits from being patent-free.

20. File Name: Power Point Document

File Extension: .ppt

Creator: Microsoft

Creation Date: 2003

Media Type: Presentation

Format: Container

Notes: Presentation file format used by Microsoft Office application PowerPoint.

21. File Name: Photoshop Document

File Extension: .psd

Creator: Adobe

Creation Date: 1990

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Photoshop’s native format, .psds are raster image files designed to incorporate image layers, masks, color information, and metadata. This format is considered to accommodate a broad scope of information when compared to other image formats and is widely used.

22. File Name: RealAudio File Format

File Extension: .ra

Creator: RealMedia

Creation Date: 1995

Media Type: Sound

Format: Compressed


23. File Name: Raw Image File

File Extension: .dng, .cr2, .nef, .arw, and .srf

Creator: Depends on equipment manufacturer

Creation Date: Approximately 2000

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: The RAW file format does not adhere to a specific standard and its specifications are determined by imaging equipment manufacturers. A movement to standardize the RAW format is currently underway.

24. File Name: Scalable Vector Graphics

File Extension: .svg

Creator: The World Wide Web Consortium

Creation Date: 1999

Media Type: Still or Moving Image

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Created for use with the open standard XML format, SVG is used to describe two-dimensional graphics.

25. File Name: Flash Video

File Extension: .swf (or .flv)

Creator: Adobe/Macromedia

Creation Date: 1997

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Moving Image/Dynamic

Description: Originating with FutureWare’s software program SmartSketch which was purchased and renamed by Macromedia in 1996, Flash was acquired by Adobe in 2005.

26. File Name: Tagged Image File Format

File Extension: .tiff

Creator: Aldus

Creation Date: 1985

Media Type: Still Image

Format: Container or Uncompressed

Notes: Originally created for use as the standard file format for image distribution in scanning, faxing, and word processing, this flexible file format has been adopted for containing image files or lossless compression.

27. File Name: WAVE Form Audio Format

File Extension: .wav

Creator: IBM and Microsoft

Creation Date: 1992

Media Type: Sound

Format: Uncompressed

Notes: Based on the RIFF container file specifications, WAVE, created by Microsoft, acts as Windows native digital audio file format. Although the format existed previously, it was officially “introduced” as a part of the Windows 95 operating system.

28. File Name: Extensible Music Format

File Extension: .xmf

Creator: The MIDI Manufacturers Association, XMF Working Group

Creation Date: 2001

Media Type: Moving Image

Format: Container

Notes: Open Source media container format created for the easy assemblage of all media assets necessary to render a MIDI composition across various forms of computer/digital equipment.


IP Address Classes(For Public)
Class A 1 – 127 (Network 127 is reserved for loopback and internal testing)
Leading bit pattern 0 => 00000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Class B 128 – 191 Leading bit pattern 10 => 10000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Class C 192 – 223 Leading bit pattern 110 => 11000000.00000000.00000000.00000000
Class D 224 – 239 (Reserved for multicast)
Class E 240 – 255 (Reserved for experimental, used for research)
Private Address Space(For LAN)
Class A to
Class B to
Class C to
Default Subnet Masks
Class A
Class B
Class C
Binary To Decimal Conversion
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 => 64+32+16+4+1 => 117 (Decimal Number)

ANDING With Default subnet masks
Every IP address must be accompanied by a subnet mask. By now you should be able to look at an IP address and tell what class it is. Unfortunately your computer doesn’t think that way.For your computer to determine the network and subnet portion of an IP address it must “AND” the IP address with the subnet mask.

Default Subnet Masks: ANDING Equations:
Class A 1 AND 1 = 1
Class B 1 AND 0 = 0
Class C 0 AND 1 = 0 0 AND 0 = 0

IP Address: 192 . 100 . 10 . 33……………..? What you can figure out in your head...?
Address Class: C
Network Portion: 192 . 100 . 10 . 33
Host Portion: 192 . 100 . 10 . 33
In order for you computer to get the same information it must AND the IP address with the subnet mask in binary.ANDING with the default subnet mask allows your computer to figure out the network portion of the address.
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(255 . 255 . 255 . 0)
(192 . 100 . 10 . 33)
(192 . 100 . 10 . 0)
Network Host
IP Address:
Default Subnet Mask:
ANDING With :=>Custom subnet masks
When you take a single network such as and divide it into five smaller networks
(,,,, the outside world still sees the network as, but the internal computers and routers see five smaller subnetworks. Each independent of the other. This can only be accomplished by using a custom subnet mask. A custom subnet mask borrows bits from the host portion of the address to create a subnetwork address between the network and host portions of an IP address. In this example each range has 14 usable addresses in it. The computer must still AND the IP address against the custom subnet mask to see what the network portion is and which subnetwork it belongs to.
IP Address: 192 . 100 . 10 . 0
Custom Subnet Mask:
Address Ranges: to (Invalid Range) to (1st Usable Range) to (Range in the sample below) to to to to to to to to to to to to to (Invalid Range)
In the next set of problems you will determine the necessary information to determine the
correct subnet mask for a variety of IP addresses.
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
(255 . 255 . 255 . 240)
(192 . 100 . 10 . 33)
(192 . 100 . 10 . 32)
Four bits borrowed from the host portion of the address for the custom subnet mask.The ANDING process of the four borrowed bits shows which range of IP addresses this particular address will

Custom Subnet Masks Problem 3
Network Address : /26
Address class : B
Default subnet mask :
Custom subnet mask :
Total number of subnets : 1024
Number of usable subnets : 1022
Total number of host addresses : 64
Number of usable addresses : 62
Number of bits borrowed : 10

169 IP Address

There are 3 different types of possible 169 error codes that can occur under Windows NT based systems. For reference, the versions of Windows considered to be WinNT are posted below.

Windows NT 5.0 : Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Pro
Windows NT 5.1 : Windows 2000 Pro SP4, Windows X p Home, Windows XP Pro
Windows NT 5.2 : Windows XP Service Pack 2
Windows NT 5.3 : Windows XP64, Windows 2003

TYPE 1: Hardware Issues: TYPE 1… problems are caused by broken hardware within the computer. It may be that Windows is not correctly seeing the hardware, or there is a physical problem with the electrical current. If you come across a TYPE 1…169 error, refer to PC manufacturer. Do not attempt to troubleshoot.
TYPE 2: Driver issues: TYPE 2…169 problems are caused by invalid, incorrect, or corrupted drivers within the Windows operating system. If you come across a TYPE 2...169 error, refer to PC manufacturer. Do not attempt to troubleshoot or repair
TYPE 3: Physical connection problem: TYPE 3 ..169 error problems can be corrected

Determining the Type of 169 Error

• Step 1: Go to the start menu and click on RUN
• Step 2: Type in the letter CMD and then click OK
• Step 3: At the cmd prompt type in: ipconfig /renew
• Step 4: Get the error TYPE:

Error code :
“DHCP host could not be contacted. Request has timed out. “ This error signifies either a TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3.error code.

Error code :
There is no error code, simply goes right back to the DOS prompt .In this case, there is a driver problem, or the driver is not enabled. Check the device manager for disabled network adapters to see if a network adapter is installed.

Determining TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3errors
• Step 1: Turn the Computer Off.
• Step 2: Unplug the power cord from the modem.
• Step 3: Unplug the connection line from the computer.
• Step 4: While the modem is unplugged, Turn the computer ON.
• Step 5: When the computer finishes turning on click on Start.
• Step 6: Now click on RUN.
• Step 7: Type in CMD and hit Ok.
• Step 8: Type in IPCONFIG
• Step 9: Read the Information that is obtained

TYPE 1 169 error codes will be identified by a 169.x.x.x IP address appearing. A 169 with the modem unplugged indicates that there is a hardware issue with the computer. If the customer asks what this means, the following explanations can be offered:
There is a hardware conflict with the computer. The Windows operating system is not correctly seeing the state of the hardware connection. With no power going to the modem, and no connection from the modem to the computer, the computer should report that there is no cable plugged in. If the computer does not indicate that a cable is not plugged in, then the computer hardware itself is not working correctly at the electrical level. It is possible that the network card is either fried or shorted out. Determining the cause of this problem is beyond the support that we can offer, and refer to the computer manufacturer.

TYPE 2 and TYPE 3 169 error codes will be identified by the message: “Media State Media Disconnected”

Determining TYPE 3 Errors :
• 1: Turn the computer off
• 2: Plug the modem's power cord back into the modem
• 3: Wait for the cable light to go solid.
• 4: Once the cable light is solid, turn the computer ON
• 5: Once the computer is on, click on START
• 6: Click on Run and type CMD
• 7: Type IPCONFIG
• 9: If IP address is pc, it is a TYPE 3 169 error. Refer CU to computer Manufacturer.
• 10: If Ip address is back to 169.x.x.x proceed to Modem Issue Section

• There is a software conflict with the computer.
• The TCP/IP stack of Microsoft Windows is not assigning any address to the adapter.
• The point of unplugging the line from the computer to the modem is to ensure that the hardware is functioning correctly. In this case, the hardware is working normally, and does recognize when no device is present to assign an address to.
• That there is a IP address indicates that the drivers are not installed correctly or that there is a severe problem with the Microsoft Windows Operating system.
• In other words, there is something wrong with Microsoft Windows at the Code Level that is preventing the computer from correctly assigning an address.. Refer to the manufacturer

Some customers might demand a tech to be sent where TYPE 2 errors are generally caused by broken hardware, TYPE 3 errors are more of a software issue. Or something else incorrect with the operating system to cause a TYPE 3 error

• Modem Issue: As mentioned at the beginning of the document, there is a potential modem issue that could also cause a 169 error to occur. This is when the Modem's CPE bridging table has failed over or been damaged. Sometimes there will be computers that will giive the ipconfig result of Media State Media Disconnected without the cable plugged in, but give a 169.x.x.x when the cable is plugged in. These errors are generally TYPE 2 errors which are physical connection problems. Physical Connection Problems include the NIC in the computer, the actual line to the modem, and the Modem itself. However, the problem is likely to either be a bad NIC, or bad modem. There is a possibility that it might be a line issue, which is covered below under Other Issues
• Testing the modem is actually a simple process if the CU has another computer. If another computer can connect, then the issue has to be with the Hardware of the original computer. If neither computer can connect then the issue is the modem.
• Other Issues

Flipping the Ethernet Cable:->It seems that some technicians are merely checking the TCP/IP Settings and flipping the Ethernet cable instead of actually troubleshooting the connection. The point of flipping the cable is twofold.
• 1: Verify that the connection is indeed an Ethernet cable.Only Ethernet Cables can be flipped. Flipping the cable ensures that the cu is using Ethernet
• 2: Force the Media State Media Disconnected The other point of flipping the cable is to force the computer to see that there is no cable plugged in. However, flipping the cable without verifying if the computer saw that the cable is unplugged is pointless.
• Flipping the cable is complicated that it may reveal an additional issue that could be the result of a connection problem, and that is a bad Ethernet cable. It is possible due to crimps or cramps in an electrical cord for a circuit to only flow correctly in one direction. For those who encounter a modem issue, go ahead and try to flip the cable first before doing anything else. If the connection works with the cable flipped, replace the cable.



Server side Include *.shtm,*.shtml,*.stm,*.ssi.
Html document *.htm, *.hta, *.html, *.htc, *.xhtml
Vtml file *.vtm, *.vtml
Vb script file *.vbs
SQl file *.sql
Tag Library descriptor file *.tld
PHP files *.php, *.tpl, *.php3,*.php4,*.php5
Action Script file *.as
Cold fusion Template *.cfm,*.cfml,*.cfc
XML file:- *.xml, *.dtd, *.xsd, *.xsl, *.xslt, *.rss, *.rdf,
Java Script document *.js
Java File *.java
Library file *.lbi
Template file *.dwt
Style Sheet *.css
Active Server Page *.asp, *.asa,
Active Server Page Plus *.aspx, *.ascx, *.asmx, *.cs,
Action Script
Communication file *.asc,
Action Script remote file *.asr,
Text File *.txt
Lasso Files *.lasso,
Java Server Page *.jsp, *.jst,
WML file *.wml
EDML file *.edml
Vtml File *.vtm, *.vtml

Server Technology available
• ASP javaScript
• ASP vbScript
• COLD Fusion

For Local Server URL is


Dos Command-total 40 command

The internal commands, which are part of the command processor, are not seen
on a directory listing and comprise the following:


External commands reside on disk as program files, with extension names of
.COM, .EXE, or .BAT, and include the following:


************************************************************************ To connect remote Server We need
• Local/network
• WebDav
• Microsoft @ Visual Source Safe

jumper-------electrical connector on expansion cards that is used to select the desired configuration (Computers)

DIN connector --------5-pin connector for a keyboard

CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)-----small portion of memory in which the computer's configuration settings are stored

ISDN (integrated services digital network)--------standard for digital telephone lines which allows high-speed data transfer (Telecommunications)

SCSI (small computer system interface)-------(Computers) interface standard for connecting disk drives and other peripheral devices to personal computers (enables faster transmission than regular parallel connections)

RISC (reduced instruction set computer)---------microprocessor designed to recognize only a small number of commands in order to accelerate processing speed (Computers)

COM------ (Computers) communications port, device in DOS and Windows which relates to the serial ports in a computer; COM file, file which can be operated in DOS
2.(Computers) extension of Internet addresses for commercial organizations or agencies (esp. those based in the USA)

POST (Power On Self Test)------series of self-tests that a computer performs at startup (Computers)

BIOS (basic input output system) -------program which is permanently located in a computer's memory and is activated at startup (Computers)

ROM (read only memory)-------nonvolatile memory containing permanently inscribed data that cannot be supplemented changed or deleted (Computers)

RAM (Random Access Memory)-------volatile computer memory that can be accessed in any order, memory that temporarily stores data which is currently in use, most common type of computer memory (Computers)

DOS (disk operating system) ------type of computer operating system (Computers) by ibm

OS (Operating System)-------------apparatus which enables the operation of a device; main program in a computer which is responsible for the allocation of resources to its various procedures

Windows---------(Computers) operating system that is based on a graphical user interface and supports multitasking (developed by Microsoft)

EDO (Extended Data Output)--------type of random memory that enables continuous production of data without interruption (by "overlapping" access to memory so that one read begins before an earlier read is completed)

IBM (International Business Machines)-------internationally acclaimed computer company, producer of home computers and related software and equipment (first incorporated as IBM in 1924 with headquarters in New York)

microprocessor--------integrated circuit that performs the central processing and internal functions of a computer (Computers)

Oracle-----(in Computers) second-largest software company in the world, manufacturer of database software

SQL (Structured Query Language)------language used in databases for defining searches (Computers)

FPM (Fast Page Mode)---------type of dynamic RAM that allows fast access to data in the current open line (when after the first application to a line address there is no need to re-apply to the same address)


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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora