Monday, December 7, 2009

Carbon Credits Business

Carbon Credits Business

Save the Earth, let be part of Green world

Question: what is carbon credit?
Answer: This is carbon market, a trading business of carbon that what is called as “Carbon currency “. We can buy this carbon credit currency from clutch of large Indian Companies and sell them in Europe and Japan. The currency of carbon will be approval by UN United nation. Unofficially Credits is Certified Emission Reduction and officially it call as voluntary emission reductions (VER). The whole information and it’s measurement are given below

1 tonne (1000 Kilo kg) of Carbon Saved = One Carbon Offset or Credit = Eight to 13 Euros (Rs 557 to Rs 907) at current prize.

1000 kg Carbon = 1 Carbon Credit = 700 rs.

Question: How to do this and can earn money with honey for world by helping it?
Answer :

• Plan for project which aim of carbon emission cut which can reduce carbon emission and it will demand high investment.
• If can not do investment then start selling product which generate low carbon or no carbon or awaking a people , planting a tree, making home green and environment around you , collaborate with NGO and motivated then for same, or buying carbon credit from companies which are able to generate carbon credit under UN CDT panel.
• Ensure that project going through a system sticks to requirement and principal of the Kyoto Protocol (The Kyoto Protocol held in past 1997 in which West Countries most of European made an Agreement to Cut Carbon Emission cut by some percentage. And with a mission of their free Carbon Economy. An Economy that will be free from Carbon emission. All were Agree with compact except two countries US and Australia. So both US and Australia not signed the Kyoto Protocol 1997. Now Come on in 2009. This Protocol is going to be expired and this is time to renew this Protocol for other 12 years nearby 2020)
• If everthing is according to rule and regulation then registered your project with Indian Government.
• Then Cleared by Internationally Certified inspector like SGS India Pvt ltd.(Subsidiary of SGS Worldwide, A Geneva bases Group which is world largest valuators of carbon creditor stared a century ago)
• Finally a united nation a process that takes two years.
• If all goes well you will get carbon credit form UN in form of carbon currency according to % of carbon emission cut by your project. For example if you cut carbon emission by one tone mean 1000 kg .Then you will get currency for one tone equal to Eight to 13 Euros around (Rs 557 to Rs 907) at current prize of Indian government.
• This Currency will be proof how much UN 192 countries has reached to their target of carbon emission cut by rule of bond signed be Kyoto protocol.
• So what you can do with that carbon currency after got from UN. You can do it trading like share trading in market. We can keep this currency with it for speculation and wait till demand for it goes higher and increase in price. And can sell to European country and Japan in higher price then in India. Because their countries have certain target they want to reach so they will buy Indian carbon credit currency in higher prize. For Example USA and Australia was not the part of that protocol so they are not getting this carbon currency .Only way for them to buy from other country.
• By buying carbon credit currency by west country from other country like China and India they can help to encourage development countries use cleaner technology and save the earth from Global warming.

Question: How big the market is in Carbon Credits.

Current status:

• In carbon crediting business two countries running most are China first rank and India is on second rank who got maximums carbon crediting.
• Our all Indian validators are subsidiaries of western companies. A bribe, a wink, quasi aura type corruption does not help to project cleared with UN. As right now India has submitted 1,476 Indian carbon reduction projects with the UN, 41 have been rejected and 152 were terminated, either by Indian government or by the project operator. Our Indian ministries have cleared $6 billion (Rs 28, 000 Crore) Carbon reduction Projects.
• These projects are moved by Tata Birla to the world largest solar – cooking system at India’s richest temple, Tiraputi, Andhra Pradesh.
• This business has involved like real world finical instrument type companies IDEACarbon, an Agency that rates Carbon reductions projects.
• That vision is strongly evident by at Rs 23000 crore ITC Ltd (formerly the colonial Imperial tobacco company) one of India top 10 conglomerate known for it paper and cigarettes industries, not exactly green products. even ITC delegation group has realize that paper industries is loss making affairs and decided to get rid this business. And they created 8 projects generating carbon credits. This includes windmills, Kolkatta five stars ITC Sonar (world’s first hotel to get carbon credits) In Andhra Pradesh , ITC help local tribal’s farm to renewable forest- as large as Delhi and Mumbai Combined – of fast going tree like eucalyptus and silver oak for it paper mills. ITC sank more then 100 crore into Andhra, providing greenhouse, scientist and laborites to their efforts.
• Once you give a signal in your company that these are the value you follow, then people come up with no short terms, quick buck solution but a robust, long term option. In next two years half of ITC energy will come up from renewable source of power, up from third today.
• At South Delhi’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Housed in soviet style 1970 government building office people has planed to rate fuel efficient automobiles and arguing 714 energy hungry factories in nice sectors to pare energy need so the world can belatedly see the Indian mean business .Their plan is that the companies can not reduce the electricity use can buy energy creditors from other they can.
• When there is no market, create a market, with this motto Central Electricity Regulatory Authority (CERC), readying a plan for renewed energy credit, By April 1, 2010 you could buy both this creditors from share market like national registries.
• Many believed that real boom will come when US agrees to be the part of Global agreement to cut emissions. Because the US market could create offsets (Credits) about three times the current demands from Europe and Japan.
• Only third of India 400 Million carbon credits have been traded. The rest hold out for higher prices.
• Like most boom low carbon economy even has a grey market, Like share carbon credits can see spot, forwards and mixed spot , and buyers range from
• The government of Norway to finical service giant such as Morgan Stanley to various hedge funds. Carbon traders operate like merchant and investment bankers, getting a retainer fee plus a of the transaction value.
• Environmental conscious American companies (remember US is not part of the official carbon economy) and individual buy voluntary emission reductions (VER) unofficial carbon credits Extreme nervousness over Copenhagen, they grey market has crashed. Now you can pick up a credit for 15 sent now mean 7 Rs
• With creative mind two brothers are preparing to generate VERs by selling clean burning bricks made from pine needles, bought from village woman in Uttaranchal. When they will get carbon credit they will sell it to European Air Travelers who want to cut their carbon footprint.
• We can buy a carbon UN Carbon credits from clutch of large Indian Companies
• Like Tata Birla ITC and other like US companies who trades credits with no official sanction and then when price of this credit goes higher we can sell it to European market, Japan ,Europe Airline as higher price if market boom.
• In 4 years this business of cutting Indian emission of carbon has gone from zero to five $ 5 Billion (Rs 23,500 Crore).
• Like most booms low carbon sectors have big names, visionaries, traders, regulators, inspectors, financiers, wannabes, carbon rating agencies, buyer, sellers, officials, big market and shysters.
• But this can be a risky work as artificial carbon market, which will collapse if its regulation is not renewed at Copenhagen and beyond. Or US don’t sign the Copenhagen Agreement.
• India is placed on 5th rank in world according to carbon emission per GDP where china ranks first. In India large of carbon emission (CO2 and CFC) is due to generation of electricity from coal which is termed as Thermal power plant technologies. Even Hydro technologies using dam water is also present but it cost big. India has 246 bn Tones reserves of coal. And around 92 Bn is proven and is identified already. Using Coal India installed capacity is 150,000 MW which is account 55 % of total electricity produce and 60 % of India total Carbon Dioxide generated in one year.
• Under Clean Development Technologies (CDT) under UN panel of climate change India is using Supercritical thermal power technologies for electricity which help reduce coal in take in power plant and thereby improving the plant efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emission. This technology is actually to burn the coal high pressure and high temperature which will reduce the intake of coal. A higher pressure more then 212KG and temp 545 and 565 Degree. More of it in advanced supercritical temp of above 6oo degree and pressure over 270 kg.
• Indian goal is to cutting carbon emission intensity by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 .

Question: Why this is so much important?
Answer: Because this is revolution to save the earth from futuristic disaster. Every country is going to part of this revolution. UN approval 192 Countries will held a Summit in Copenhagen Denmark soon. On this summit they will resolved the matter of Global Warming .How to reduce it carbon emission?

Question: How it start?
Answer: It was forged in the idealistic fired of The Kyoto Protocol held in past 1997 in which West Countries most of European made an Agreement to Cut Carbon Emission cut by some percentage. And they made a mission of their free Carbon Economy. An Economy that will be free from Carbon emission. All were Agree with compact except two countries US and Australia. So both US and Australia not signed the Kyoto Protocol 1997. Now Come on in 2009. This Protocol is going to be expired and this is time to renew this Protocol for other 12 years nearby 2020.

Question: why this is use.
Answer: This new currency is carbon crediting. As industries, cars, logging, and farming release gases that warm the earth and we work with them for global effort to cut carbon emission and save the earth from flood, drought and maybe human annhuhilation. In term of this currency we get is Carbon Crediting.

Question: Why to do this ?
Answer: Help Indian company like factories, industries, power sector, builder, domestic and international business maker. We help them in cutting carbon emission cut and plan their growth according to rule and regulation of Kyoto protocol. If got UN approval we will get carbon currency of unit 1 carbon crediting for reduction of carbon emission

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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora