Thursday, December 17, 2009

Carbon Free Economy- Time to ACt on Climate Change

The GOD has Given enough for man’s need, But not for man’s Greed.

Mahatma Gandhi”.

A day my next generation will be with life, they will be playing a Bloody war Game

Title will be ‘The End of world’, with nature and mankind both will be its two players

When today we have lost our turn to save earth but remember nature will not be always the same

Mankind would be paid for his demolition to earth through big bloody climate change

Living in glory of science today, but will soon leaves the earth only with blames

Worst will not be that we are dying, but has left the earth with such a SHAME!

Vikas Arora

What is actually a happening to our Earth now, as we all know this is a climate change but indeed in incident time everything was in balance. Yes there was a thing like climate change but that was happening in natural way as part Cycle of Nature so everthing was in balance. But now conditions are worst then ever and are not in controlled. This all has been started by rich countries of world like Europe and US for greed of first industrial revolution then nuclear revolution. For their own shake these countries has used the earth like placards’. We all are One, our GOD is one but some countries have split the world in their view of rich courtiers and poor countries. So in category of rich countries like G7 group mostly of EU and US industrial countries today contribute nearly 80 % of carbon emission of world. Rest is G 77 Development countries and poor countries. Rich countries like US has ruin the Kyoto protocol of 1997 according to which US has raised the carbon emission more from 1990 level to 17 % till 2005. But protocol was actually termed to decrease 20 % till 2010. Our Nation father Gandhi Ji was very right when they were told to follow European model of Economic after independence and they said very intentionally that Europe has destructed, ruined half of earth to become a rich countries, so if we will follow their economic model then we also need countless planet like earth to stand, only one earth will not be enough for our large population nation.

Today, the fact of climate change is in front of all of us. Drought, low agricultural production, dry place, rising sea level as ice of North Pole like Greenland and south pole like Antarctica is melting very speed and sea level is coming up and temperature is rising because water in form of liquid absorbed more temperature then in form of solid ice. So Countries like small land Bangladesh, Shri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia will be worst hit in future first. Our earth radius is 65ooo Km and USSR was trying for 19 years to goes in depth of core of earth crust with thinking of hole in earth from one pole to another for scientific study but after 19 year long they was able to goes at distance around 13 Km only and then ended it at time of USSR goes end in 1992. and scientist found that under 13 km earth temp was 180 degree Celsius that mean earth is warming in deep of core also that further is effect of warming on earth upper crust. Even if the ideology of Maya civilization goes right the end of earth in dec 2012, what even NASA has identified a planet X burning like sun, around size one quarter of earth, with very high temperature which was one revolving around planet Plato has diverted from it’s path and near about end of 2012 year if it really made a close path around earth not even touching it will rise the temperature of earth to much level that will be uncontrolled without even touching earth surface. Hope this will be just a rumors but nobody know when or where darkness will fall as we human has nothing left a stone unturned to framed the earth in destruction way. Weather called it a nuclear weapon, CERN experiment near Switzerland all show a path of destruction .another like Iran-Pakistan- India gas pipeline that will left nothing in the earth inner crust when all natural resources will be in used so earlier. Then nothing was left in earth and with outside earth a toxic environment. However European Space Agencies, NASA, ISRO, EU, China, Japan are on war with dream of industrialization on moon and mars but till then it may be to late.

Rich countries Like US and Europe where US alone carbon emission intensity

That is how much carbon dioxide is emitted per unit of GDP per annul is 20 time’s more then India, Still India where 60 % of population has no access to energy resources, our effort are far good then US and Europe. However we have not enough money to shift to low carbon technologies like wind and nuclear energy because this source of energy are too costly and second we are developing countries and Industrial revolution has just arrived here. But as we are bound with label of developing countries we BASIC Brazil, South Africa, India and China are trying to pressurize rich countries to contribute more in making carbon free economy for all. And help to fill a gap of energy deficient in rich and poor countries human HRD index .This deficient in human resources development arises because of rising global inequality. According to HRD report 2007- 2008, the wide income gap is caused by the use of high energy technologies of developed countries. Their excessive of spewing of greenhouse gases has cause the heating of environment. The differences in the depth of carbon footprint are linked to the history of industrial development model based on unlimited growth in a limited environment. The Planet we are running today is sub prime loan. The Financial crisis happen because the housing load was allowed way beyond the stock levels that was available. Similarly our lining standards are subsided to a level our planet can afford; this world view of rich nations has created a world out of balance. Now to restore this balance is big challenge.

Copenhagen Result:

· The year 2009 is warmest year for most of countries like India, China till 1850 and weather extreme has killed 55 million lives across globe till now.

· The disaster led to economic loss worth of US $ 19 Billion.

· Least Developing countries (LDC) has asked for US 100 $ Billion per year for Climate Adoption and Mitigation but US and Europe have committed US $ 13.5 Billion per year till 2013.

· LDC is most vulnerable to climate change as 39 % climate disaster death has been took place in Asia and 17 % in Africa, two poorest and most malnourished region of world.

· According to LDC a draft having 46 instructions to follow where India narrowed the gap with 3 points or paras. This 3 point are for some coming peaking years there should be no emission cut from developing countries and developed countries after which greenhouse gas emission cut must declined and Emission cut will be from all rich and poor countries so that global temp does not rise a level of 2 degree Celsius by 2050. But like most developing countries in G77 Group and China and India said it would not accepted 3 point in LCA draft that define peaking years.

· Due climate change Death Causality share across Globe is 39% Asia, 17 % Africa, 16 % Europe, North America (US and Canada) 18 %.

· Most of All the whole South Asia is on the vulnerable Line because of climate change of agriculture which accounts a source live hood to country 64 % population. So Biggest threat is FOOD SECURITY.

· Sea level rise is biggest cause of death. The frequency of people dying of storms will increase from once in 400 year to once in 15 to 100 year.

· 37 % of 245 Weather related Disaster in 2006 were because of change in long term wheatear pattern.

· In Africa Drought account for 20 % of total Disaster but represent 80 % of total people affected in between 1970 and 2008.

· 1 Degree Celsius Rise in temp would mean 7 Million ton of less wheat production leading to finical loss of 1.5 Billion US Dollar.

· Indian Government should set up Climate Research and Management center in 127 agricultural research institute around the country.

· In Copenhagen Meeting at Bella Center in Denmark were 34000 delegates from 192 country of world including journalist, lobbyist, and campaigners. Indian delegations were 35 and highest from Bangladesh 100 delegation from in south Asia region. Biggest from world were from US 400 and China 350.

· US: will cut emissions to 17 % below 2005 level by 2020 pending congressional approval which is close to 4 % of below of 1990 Level. US is dead against Kyoto Protocol agreement that imposed legal obligation. Insist China, India, South Africa and Brazil must commit slow growth of emissions.

· China: By 2020 set a binding goal to cut carbon dioxide per unit of GDP by 40-45 % below 2005 level. China wants rich countries to cut emission to 40 % below 1990 level. Say rich countries should pay 1% of their GDP per year to help other countries adapt climate cleaner technology. Want west to provide low carbon technologies.

· India: Has committed to reduce Carbon dioxide per unit of GDP by 20-25 % below 2005 level. Has turned down legally binding targets, but want rich countries legally bound. Says rich countries are to blame for climate change and point to big gap in per capita emissions. Want rich countries to cut emission to 40 % below 1990 level.

· Africa: 52 Nation demanded discussion on a UN Draft on the Kyoto Protocol for the second commitment period starting 2013. Africa wants rich countries to cut emission to 40 % below 1990 level by 2020. Say rich countries should pay 0.5% of their GDP per year to help other developing to tackle climate Change.

· Kyoto protocol set binding target for 37 industrial countries for reducing greenhouse gas emission an average of 5 % against 1990 level between 2008 to 2012. Then first period for commitment will be end and after which new emission reduction for developed nation are to be decided. Africa demand for This Draft.

· Africa says that we are disappointed with Danish Government attempt to kill Kyoto protocol. Not consulting with their delegations. The Instated long term Cooperative Action (LCA) Draft, which talk about emission reduction targets by 2050.Accorind to LCA This emission cut target will be set up according to per capita human population. Africa opposed and saying that 2020 targets should be finalized first.

· 1997 Kyoto protocol Divide Rich countries and poor countries. The US has rejected Kyoto and Europe refused to sign a deal if US refuse to come on board.

· Rich countries failed to meet their commitments under first period of Kyoto and They want single instrument for each which has binding but differentiated emission reduction target for all countries. But Kyoto has binding emission target only for Developed world and voluntary emission mitigation actions.

· More then 30000 delegation are saying only Kyoto could protect the interest of developing world. So majority of countries want to continue the Kyoto. Where LCA set long term target but Developed countries filed to meet even short period target of Kyoto.

· Rich’s countries want to end Kyoto but have littlie supports outside NGO such as WWF and Friends of Earth.

· BASIC mean Brazil, South Africa, India, China are four most developing countries of world that want to force US and Europe to cut emission and give finical help and Green technologies to developing countries so that they can adept to climate mitigation but US and Europe want Aid only for poor island or poor nations.

· A 2007 UN report said that 70 % of south Asia was vulnerable to climate change. A dangerous Threshold Climate change level break when temp raises a level of 2 degree Celsius. It graves a danger for future generation like sea level rise, receding glaciers, human development effect. 38 to 50 % people are already living below poverty level. Suicide may revisit the Indian farmers and this time with vengeance, health hazards include child morality, malarial and tubercular deaths, already affected Billion, will increase owing to lack of nutrition and absence of proper healthcare.

· For INDIA beyond 2 degree mean jeopardize our food security. India is already on verge of hunger trap and it is estimated that by 2020 food production will fall by 6-8 % and 51 % of Indian land will be affected. In INDIA more then 1 billion people are living margin of survival income level. The income poverty will further increase if immediate actions are not taken.

· India has set our voluntary emission for carbon emission cut without getting Aid from rich countries and now India is ready for domestic verification of its mitigation action alone with UN guidelines and provides domestic action to UN once in 2 year only as information not verification.

· China and Germany scientist has offered a new formula to world for cutting global emissions .The formula born of separate proposal from the development and developed world- asks for global carbon budget to be divided among all human on earths.

· In the End all delegation from 192 countries of world are failed to meet one common verdict as Draft proposal for Climate change followed by all with intentionally and seriously. Now discussion will be again held in 2010 Mexico. And now Sino-German proposal negotiation should begin in 2010 which bottom lines are: Indian carbon budget are 80 year to run out, China’s 23 years, the US is already at minus 3 year, Africa has several hundred years.

· Saving the Forest: If the world forest are kept intact, the world can save 4 time the carbon presently emitted. Proposal set target for 2020 cut the rate of deforestation by half. Provide sales of carbon credits by keeping forest intact. For Indian angle 21 % of India forest, which capture 11 % national emission.

No result has been come out in a long standing historical meet for climate change, so it seem that a historical meet of 196 countries under one roof, only for our planet safety, our own coming next generation is not enough to meet a common ideology to combat climate change. So now this our turn to end discussion on reason but a time to discussion for efforts we can make to save this no longer beautiful planet. Thank You

If you think you are Mango people and have not enough food for your stomach but want to save the earth also with a love for mankind, humanity, then do it in some another way by mean of Carbon Credit, make it your procession, this will not be a greed for money but a need for honey. May all flourish always! Thank you.

Carbon Credit

Save the Earth, let be part of Green world

Question: what is carbon credit?
Answer: This is carbon market, a trading business of carbon that what is called as “Carbon currency “. We can buy this carbon credit currency from clutch of large Indian Companies and sell them in Europe and Japan. The currency of carbon will be approval by UN United nation. Unofficially Credits is Certified Emission Reduction and officially it call as voluntary emission reductions (VER). The whole information and it’s measurement are given below

1 tonne (1000 Kilo kg) of Carbon Saved = One Carbon Offset or Credit = Eight to 13 Euros (Rs 557 to Rs 907) at current prize.

1000 kg Carbon = 1 Carbon Credit = 700 rs.

Question: How to do this and can earn money with honey for world by helping it?
Answer :

• Plan for project which aim of carbon emission cut which can reduce carbon emission and it will demand high investment.
• If can not do investment then start selling product which generate low carbon or no carbon or awaking a people , planting a tree, making home green and environment around you , collaborate with NGO and motivated then for same, or buying carbon credit from companies which are able to generate carbon credit under UN CDT panel.
• Ensure that project going through a system sticks to requirement and principal of the Kyoto Protocol (The Kyoto Protocol held in past 1997 in which West Countries most of European made an Agreement to Cut Carbon Emission cut by some percentage. And with a mission of their free Carbon Economy. An Economy that will be free from Carbon emission. All were Agree with compact except two countries US and Australia. So both US and Australia not signed the Kyoto Protocol 1997. Now Come on in 2009. This Protocol is going to be expired and this is time to renew this Protocol for other 12 years nearby 2020)
• If everthing is according to rule and regulation then registered your project with Indian Government.
• Then Cleared by Internationally Certified inspector like SGS India Pvt ltd.(Subsidiary of SGS Worldwide, A Geneva bases Group which is world largest valuators of carbon creditor stared a century ago)
• Finally a united nation a process that takes two years.
• If all goes well you will get carbon credit form UN in form of carbon currency according to % of carbon emission cut by your project. For example if you cut carbon emission by one tone mean 1000 kg .Then you will get currency for one tone equal to Eight to 13 Euros around (Rs 557 to Rs 907) at current prize of Indian government.
• This Currency will be proof how much UN 192 countries has reached to their target of carbon emission cut by rule of bond signed be Kyoto protocol.
• So what you can do with that carbon currency after got from UN. You can do it trading like share trading in market. We can keep this currency with it for speculation and wait till demand for it goes higher and increase in price. And can sell to European country and Japan in higher price then in India. Because their countries have certain target they want to reach so they will buy Indian carbon credit currency in higher prize. For Example USA and Australia was not the part of that protocol so they are not getting this carbon currency .Only way for them to buy from other country.
• By buying carbon credit currency by west country from other country like China and India they can help to encourage development countries use cleaner technology and save the earth from Global warming.

Question: How big the market is in Carbon Credits.

Current status:

• In carbon crediting business two countries running most are China first rank and India is on second rank who got maximums carbon crediting.
• Our all Indian validators are subsidiaries of western companies. A bribe, a wink, quasi aura type corruption does not help to project cleared with UN. As right now India has submitted 1,476 Indian carbon reduction projects with the UN, 41 have been rejected and 152 were terminated, either by Indian government or by the project operator. Our Indian ministries have cleared $6 billion (Rs 28, 000 Crore) Carbon reduction Projects.
• These projects are moved by Tata Birla to the world largest solar – cooking system at India’s richest temple, Tiraputi, Andhra Pradesh.
• This business has involved like real world finical instrument type companies IDEACarbon, an Agency that rates Carbon reductions projects.
• That vision is strongly evident by at Rs 23000 crore ITC Ltd (formerly the colonial Imperial tobacco company) one of India top 10 conglomerate known for it paper and cigarettes industries, not exactly green products. even ITC delegation group has realize that paper industries is loss making affairs and decided to get rid this business. And they created 8 projects generating carbon credits. This includes windmills, Kolkatta five stars ITC Sonar (world’s first hotel to get carbon credits) In Andhra Pradesh , ITC help local tribal’s farm to renewable forest- as large as Delhi and Mumbai Combined – of fast going tree like eucalyptus and silver oak for it paper mills. ITC sank more then 100 crore into Andhra, providing greenhouse, scientist and laborites to their efforts.
• Once you give a signal in your company that these are the value you follow, then people come up with no short terms, quick buck solution but a robust, long term option. In next two years half of ITC energy will come up from renewable source of power, up from third today.
• At South Delhi’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Housed in soviet style 1970 government building office people has planed to rate fuel efficient automobiles and arguing 714 energy hungry factories in nice sectors to pare energy need so the world can belatedly see the Indian mean business .Their plan is that the companies can not reduce the electricity use can buy energy creditors from other they can.
• When there is no market, create a market, with this motto Central Electricity Regulatory Authority (CERC), readying a plan for renewed energy credit, By April 1, 2010 you could buy both this creditors from share market like national registries.
• Many believed that real boom will come when US agrees to be the part of Global agreement to cut emissions. Because the US market could create offsets (Credits) about three times the current demands from Europe and Japan.
• Only third of India 400 Million carbon credits have been traded. The rest hold out for higher prices.
• Like most boom low carbon economy even has a grey market, Like share carbon credits can see spot, forwards and mixed spot , and buyers range from
• The government of Norway to finical service giant such as Morgan Stanley to various hedge funds. Carbon traders operate like merchant and investment bankers, getting a retainer fee plus a of the transaction value.
• Environmental conscious American companies (remember US is not part of the official carbon economy) and individual buy voluntary emission reductions (VER) unofficial carbon credits Extreme nervousness over Copenhagen, they grey market has crashed. Now you can pick up a credit for 15 sent now mean 7 Rs
• With creative mind two brothers are preparing to generate VERs by selling clean burning bricks made from pine needles, bought from village woman in Uttaranchal. When they will get carbon credit they will sell it to European Air Travelers who want to cut their carbon footprint.
• We can buy a carbon UN Carbon credits from clutch of large Indian Companies
• Like Tata Birla ITC and other like US companies who trades credits with no official sanction and then when price of this credit goes higher we can sell it to European market, Japan ,Europe Airline as higher price if market boom.
• In 4 years this business of cutting Indian emission of carbon has gone from zero to five $ 5 Billion (Rs 23,500 Crore).
• Like most booms low carbon sectors have big names, visionaries, traders, regulators, inspectors, financiers, wannabes, carbon rating agencies, buyer, sellers, officials, big market and shysters.
• But this can be a risky work as artificial carbon market, which will collapse if its regulation is not renewed at Copenhagen and beyond. Or US don’t sign the Copenhagen Agreement.
• India is placed on 5th rank in world according to carbon emission per GDP where china ranks first. In India large of carbon emission (CO2 and CFC) is due to generation of electricity from coal which is termed as Thermal power plant technologies. Even Hydro technologies using dam water is also present but it cost big. India has 246 bn Tones reserves of coal. And around 92 Bn is proven and is identified already. Using Coal India installed capacity is 150,000 MW which is account 55 % of total electricity produce and 60 % of India total Carbon Dioxide generated in one year.
• Under Clean Development Technologies (CDT) under UN panel of climate change India is using Supercritical thermal power technologies for electricity which help reduce coal in take in power plant and thereby improving the plant efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emission. This technology is actually to burn the coal high pressure and high temperature which will reduce the intake of coal. A higher pressure more then 212KG and temp 545 and 565 Degree. More of it in advanced supercritical temp of above 6oo degree and pressure over 270 kg.
• Indian goal is to cutting carbon emission intensity by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 .

Question: Why this is so much important?
Answer: Because this is revolution to save the earth from futuristic disaster. Every country is going to part of this revolution. UN approval 192 Countries will held a Summit in Copenhagen Denmark soon. On this summit they will resolved the matter of Global Warming .How to reduce it carbon emission?

Question: How it start?

Answer: It was forged in the idealistic fired of The Kyoto Protocol held in past 1997 in which West Countries most of European made an Agreement to Cut Carbon Emission cut by some percentage. And they made a mission of their free Carbon Economy. An Economy that will be free from Carbon emission. All were Agree with compact except two countries US and Australia. So both US and Australia not signed the Kyoto Protocol 1997. Now Come on in 2009. This Protocol is going to be expired and this is time to renew this Protocol for other 12 years nearby 2020.

Question: why this is use.
Answer: This new currency is carbon crediting. As industries, cars, logging, and farming release gases that warm the earth and we work with them for global effort to cut carbon emission and save the earth from flood, drought and maybe human annhuhilation. In term of this currency we get is Carbon Crediting.

Question: Why to do this ?
Answer: Help Indian company like factories, industries, power sector, builder, domestic and international business maker. We help them in cutting carbon emission cut and plan their growth according to rule and regulation of Kyoto protocol. If got UN approval we will get carbon currency of unit 1 carbon crediting for reduction of carbon emission
Posted by Vikas Arora at 11:11 PM


  1. There's a movement to radically change California government, by getting rid of career politicians and chopping their salaries in half. A group known as Citizens for California Reform wants to make the California legislature a part time time job, just like it was until 1966.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora