Tuesday, January 5, 2010

We are not alone on this earth.

One day a conference was being held in the second largest continent of world Africa by scientist of physics, astrological, a branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole, major delegation reprehensive from all over the world in field of physics, astronomy, aviation, spaceflight, space research and all other space related agencies form all over world. Sponsored by all major space agencies like ESA, NASA, ISRO, EU and all US astrological. One’s At that time represented from ISRO came to stage and expressed their study in few words that “we are not alone in this world “, and soon many of human being all around at conference catching the news of ISRO raise their eyebrows with surprise and was shocked, all were waiting that there will be some news about proof of Alien of UFO kind But The speaker was not an astrological or scientist, he was mere the only student has been teamed by reprehensive candidate of delegation body of ISRO. This news left the whole conference on silent mode for some minutes but then speaker again started and said “Yes this is true, we human are not alone on this world” .This news shocked again to all candidates at conference because the speaker a student was to much confidence about his saying and then one represented from team of NASA get up and showing his evolvement “yes they have also same view that we human are not alone on this world”.
At this the student showed a smile and said “Before we make any presumption that whole earth is for human being, I want ask everyone, is there anybody who can show licensed as proof or registry, an official legal document like we have for mortgage that can claim that whole earth is only for human, and they are only one survivor here on earth” And that was another shocked for all. Silent mode was still on and nobody was with an answer. Neither none was able to understand what was going on. At this student said”Not some but all have totally forgotten that we are not alone on this earth, because there are other who are survivor, who have the same desire and right to lives as we have, there are here much before birth of human, some are undercover, some are in sky, but they all are much innocent then us. Some of one are those who can claim of our forefather.do't think that they can't speak beucause they are not with frequency of voice which can match with humun but still they speak and in very common language that we can’t understand. They are as important as we human being and want to realize us that yes you are not alone”.
They are Animals, they are birds, and they are species unser warter , in sky ,who lives in lap of nature.They are a vibrant living organism with vibrent beautiful color. They are most beautiful creature of world because not of their biodiversity of species and their physiological property but kind a enthusiasm they have created to human life . There are silent so that human can raise his voice, they keep balance of nature so that human can survive. They take shelter of tree so that human can seize the ground land for home. They have strong relation with nature so that human can free themselves to feeding the nature and can think about his humanity. Without them we have no life. Where Human claim there is nature and we come from it at there they have divine right to say they are the first and nature has come from them. So it is deep request to all mankind please leason their common language, a language of love speak by all. And don’t kill them and protect all the species. Plz do't ignored them. Thank You

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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora