Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God Shiv Puran Secret: What to Know

The art of self – control from Shiv Puran


Origin of trinity deities:
Brahma – creator
Vishnu – preserver
Shiv – destroyer
q One of the 18 puranas of India
q A famous scripture due to high content of knowledge
q Has 7 Samhitas
Vidyeshwar – deals with origin of this world along with trinity deities.
Kailash – Deals with true knowledge
Rudra – Marriage of Shiv and Parvati and related stories
Shatrudra – Incarnations of Shiv like Sharabh, Vrishabh, Durvasa, Hanuman, Ashwatthama etc.
Kotirudra – Evolution of Shiv lingams.
Uma – Deals with origin of mother Goddess
Vayviya – Discourses given by Wind God to sages
*Often called as Vayu Puran also.

The divine nature of Shiv
q Worshipped by all
Ghosts like Bhairava and Vetaal derived their powers from him
Demons like Ravana, Paundrakh, Banasur were blessed by him
Both the teachers (Shukracharya and Brihaspati) were his devotees
Brahma created Vedas on his wish
Vishnu got Sudarshan Chakra from Shiv
Mother Goddess also worshipped him
Yaksha king Kubera and Gandharva king Chitrasen were his devotees
Named as Ishvara, Maheshvara and even Parameshvara

The greatness of GOD
q Shiv – also called as ‘Bholenath’
q Bhasmasur demanded a boon hazardous for all but still got it from Shiv
q Shiv did not hesitated in giving that to him
q Later on Shiv himself ran away to save his life
q GOD can never fight with his devotees
q Oh Vishnu, it is mandatory for me to give what is desired by my devotee without thinking much of the consequences (Lord Shiv)
q Vishnu turned into a beautiful lady to save Shiv
q Bhasmasur killed himself unknowingly

Speed of Mind– The involvement of Mathematics
q Speed of light in vacuum = 299792458 m/s
q 1 light year (ly) = distance travelled by light in 1 year
= 9.4607304725808 x 1015 m
q Speed of air = 1 ly/ns (max.) (Note – 1 ns = 10-9 seconds)
q Let’s call distance travelled by air by that speed in 1 second be air distance (AD)
q Speed of mind = 250 AD/s
= 2.3651826181452 x 1026 m/s
q More than circumference of the entire universe (3.311255655x1024m) in a second
q How will you control it ?

The science of self control
q Not even deities could understand that
q Always a continuous fight between deities and demons
q Deities were depressed
q Approached Shiv and Vishnu
q Ordered to churn the ocean
q Purpose was to get the nectar but got poison instead
q Shiv happily took it and placed in his throat
q Shiv was called as Neelkanth
q Deities got the nectar later on

How Shiv managed to remain alive
q Theory of divine name
q Shiv knew the effect of divine name very well that’s why even poison behaved like nectar for him. (Goswami Tulasidas)
q I know that by his yogic powers, Shiv nullified the effect of terrible poison (Avdhoot Swami Sivananda )
q It was the divine nature of Shiv to take the poison and still remain alive by keeping it in throat and not letting it enter his heart (Sage Brahmananda)

The real thought process
q Deities and demons does not mean kingly men – deities and horrible men – demons
q Both exist within us
q Deities symbolize goodness of our character while demons – badness
q The battle is continuous
q Our mind is the churner and the air becomes the rope
q Body is churned to get the nectar of knowledge
q Before that we need to pass some tests that are poisonous
q Poison also compared to Kundalini Jagruti pacified by the grace of GOD

1. Other part of the story
q Deities took nectar from the churning process
q Kept boasting of their powers
q Shiv incarnated as a Yaksha to nullify their ego
q He gave them a grass strip and told them to move it
q No one was able to do so
q Shiv withdrew their protection from deities and went away angrily
q Demons attacked deities
q Vishnu decided to save deities and went to netherworld
q There he was infatuated by the beauties of demonic ladies and created many demons
q Shiv incarnated as Vrishabh and killed all of those demons
q Only goodness wins in the end
q You can never cheat GOD
q Even if you are forced to face adversaries, don’t let them enter your heart
q Once you get success, never be arrogant.
q Being arrogant you tell GOD that you are fully against him, GOD treats you like that only.
q Other than arrogance of devotees, nothing can irritate GOD.

2. The legend of Dadhichi
q Sage Dadhichi worshipped Shiv
q Was hated by a king Shuva
q Shuva cut his hands
q Shukracharya made his hands grow back
q Shuva saw all this and again attacked
q He was unable to cut the hands again
q Shuva called Vishnu to help
q Vishnu told Dadhichi to accept his slavery
q Dadhichi refused this
q Vishnu tried hard but could not defeat Dadhichi
q He went away astonished
q Was cursed to face wrath of Shiv
q Be firm in what you do
q If you are not wrong, not even GOD can attack you
q If mind continuously goes out of the house bring it back
q This can be done by practice and detachments
q Dadhichi – whole body (even bones) as hard as thunderbolt
q All this happened just because of extreme faith in GOD and a terrific amount of meditation

3. Consequence of Dadhichi's curse
q The tale of Daksha
Though being father – in – law of Shiv, Daksha hated him
Organized a yajna with primary intention to insult Shiv
Shiv was unmoved but his attendant Nandi cursed Daksha to get goat head – an animal worth sacrifice in yajnas
Shiv came home and meditated
All were called in that yajna except Shiv and Sati
Sati reached that place and cursed Daksha and then died
Because of Dadhichi’s curse, Vishnu, Brahma and many others attended the yajna
Shiv sent Virbhadra to teach Daksha a lesson
Virbhadra killed Daksha. Later on Shiv gave goat head to him
This proves how attachments make us suffer
Daksha attached to yajna and insulted even GOD for that
He paid by getting a goat head
Less attached you are, more controlled you would be
Shiv preached Daksha
Listen Daksha, 4 devotees worship me, 1st demands wealth, 2nd demands freedom from dangers, 3rd enquires of my true form while 4th is a knowledged being who completely knows me. Definitely 4th one is superior and such devotees are always liked by me. (Lord Shiv)

4. Battle between Vishnu and Brahma
q Brahma boasted of his powers
q Vishnu did not believe that Brahma is almighty
q Both of them fought
q Shiv created a pillar of fire and told them to search for its beginning or end
q Vishnu failed to search beginning and accepted his mistake
q Brahma also failed but he lied
q Shiv gave him more than 1000 chances but he refused to agree, instead cursed Shiv 1000 times
q Bhairava cut down Brahma’s head & made him non worship able
q Don’t curse others if mistake is yours
q No need to blame even destiny or time for this purpose. Only you are wrong
q Accept your mistakes in front of GOD at least
q Arrogance proved fatal for even Brahma and Vishnu, forget of mere mortals
q Over – confidence is always dangerous
q Worship GOD with true heart

5. The legend of Durvasa
q A sage named as Atri along with his wife Anusuya worshipped Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv to have them as sons
q All the trinity deities decided to incarnate to fulfill their wish
q Brahma – Moon ; Vishnu – Dattatreya ; Shiv – Durvasa
q Moon departed to heaven
q Dattatreya made 24 beings as his teachers and preached others. Became famous because of his great teachings
q Durvasa was notorious as he made others suffer because of his anger
q No one ever dared to approach him because of his terrific anger
q This is known to all
q But still Durvasa considered an incarnation of Shiv
q Once, sage Durvasa was served by Kunti, he preached her with a mantra which was responsible for the creation of Pandavas and Karna

6. The epic Mahabharata
q Whenever Dattatreya’s mind was overpowered by doubts, he seeked Durvasa’s help and always went back satisfied
q Durvasa once went to hell named as Kumbhipak and worshipped Shiv there.
q He chanted the name of Shiv there and sprinkled ash on to the land
q Miracle : Hell turned into Heaven
q The name of GOD nullifies all sins and ashes remind others of their death
q You may be more knowledged than even almighty
q But try to control your anger
q At least ensure that you are not getting angry unnecessarily
q Anger prevents you from being self controlled
q That’s what the divine nature of Durvasa teaches
q He is worshipped by both Ram & Krishna but still hated by others
q That’s what is the eternal truth

7. Shiv's divine acts
q Vishnu appeared as Mohini during the churning of ocean
q Shiv told Vishnu to show that form again
q He deliberately made himself infatuated by her beauty
q His semen reached earth to the womb of Anjana
q Eventually, a monkey got birth
q That monkey thought Sun as a fruit and leapt to eat it
q Indra attacked him with thunderbolt
q His chin got broken which made Wind stop blowing
q Shiv told Indra to apologize as this made him upset
q The monkey was blessed with many boons and got the name of Hanuman
The need of true devotion
q Hanuman – a complete incarnation of Shiv
q Still served a mere human (Ram)
q Though being almighty – he remained humble
q Never boasted arrogantly of his powers
q Shiv Puran praises him
q Even Ramayana and Mahabharata sings his glory
q Worshipped by all – Shaivites, Vaishnavites and Shakthas
q Just because of his true devotion

8. Grihapati's penance
q Grihapati was son of sage Vaishvanar
q Destined to die during his childhood
q Went to do penance though his mother did not like it
q Pleased Shiv by his tremendous penance
q Shiv told him to demand a boon
q He demanded true devotion
q Shiv blessed and made him the master of all the directions
q Grihapati was termed as the incarnation of Shiv
q His devotion made him the master of all

9. Tale of Prahlad
q Hiranyakashipu hated Vishnu
q His son Prahlad always worshipped Vishnu
q Hiranyakashipu tortured him
q Prahlad remained firm in his deed
q Finally Vishnu became Narasimha to kill Hiranyakashipu
q After killing him, Narasimha became angry
q Whole world suffered
q Shiv became Sharabh and pacified Narasimha’s anger
q Prahlad was crowned as the king
q He ruled righteously
q Hiranyakashipu termed himself as GOD
q Paid by losing his life
q Never be like him. You can never be GOD
q Narasimha showed foolishness by being angry
q Think before you act
q Never be arrogant & angry without reason
q Else you would pay for that
q World may suffer for your anger

10. The tale of Srikar
q A cowman’s son in Ujjain
q Happened to see king Chandrasen worshipping GOD
q Inspired, he too meditated on GOD.
q Forgot food and water
q His mother scolded him for that
q Still he was not moved
q Finally Shiv sent Hanuman to meet him
q Hanuman mentioned Srikar as the pioneer of devotion
q Srikar was enlightened to be Nand Baba who would be the father of divine incarnation Krishna
q Hanuman established the greatness of Srikar

SERIAL No………Story name……………….Main Principle
….Churning of ocean …….Face adversaries just like poison taken by Shiv
.....Tale of Dadhichi……….Have extreme faith in GOD
….Daksha’s fate………….Try to be as detached as possible
.....Brahma’s ego………… .Accept your mistakes & learn
…..Durvasa’s legend….. ..Don’t be angry unnecessarily
…..Hanuman’s glory……..Remain humble though being almighty
…...Grihapati’s tale……. ..Devotion itself is the prize for it
…...Tale of Prahlad…….. ..Keep distance from ego & anger
…...Srikar’s devotion…….Concentration is always desired

FINALLY,WHAT TO DO IF ALL THE ABOVE MENTIONED METHODS FAIL ?????????????????????????????????????

Follow this if and only if all the other methods fail
q Gunanidhi was a Brahmin’s son
q Gunanidhi means ocean of good qualities but he was opposite
q Frustrated, his father banished him
q He went to a Shiv Temple
q There he wanted to have ‘Prasad’ but was mistaken as a thief
q He was beaten to death
q Though being a personification of evil, he went to Shiv’s adobe
q All his sins were nullified

q He had lit the lamp going dim
q While death, he had called Shiv for help
q He had unknowingly performed Mahashivratri fast
q He was enlightened to be Kubera and one of the dearest friends of Shiv
q That’s very simple

Thanks You
Vikas Arora

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