Thursday, January 27, 2011



Despite widespread suspicion that the world's financial system is controlled by occult secret societies, this conspiracy theory is difficult to prove. The idea that secret societies are running the world is well established. For example, the Bilderberg group is well documented as an elite society of the world's top politicians and businessmen who meet in secret outside the democratic arena, but the public do not know what is discussed or decided at Bilderberg meetings.

Nevertheless, "The Insider" can provide some insight into the spiritual beliefs held by the men who control of the world's economy, by investigating how the financial system was established, and examining the relationship between finance and religion.
The men who control the global financial system certainly do not share the same beliefs as those who follow the major contemporary monotheistic religions -Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.

According to the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible (Ex 22:25),and the Muslim Koran (2:275), charging interest (usury) on a loan is strictly forbidden by God. In the New Testament of the Bible, Christians are specifically instructed to "lend, expecting nothing in return" (Luke 6:34-35). Thus, in Christian doctrine, it is right lend money to those in need but wrong for the lender to seek profit from the loan. In the scriptures, repossessing property secured on a loan is also directly against God's commandments, especially when someone's only source of shelter is pawned (Exodus 22:26) . Apparently, God's original intention was that people should lend to eachother out of kindness, but not for greed or profit.

"If you lend money to my people, to the poor among you, you shall not deal with them as a creditor; you shall not ask interest from them." : Exodus 22:25

"Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by the devil's influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as commerce. However, God permits commerce, and prohibits usury." : Qur'an, Al-Baqarah, Sura 2:275

Yet the law in many countries permits lenders to charge interest on debts, and law enforcement agencies actively assist lenders in recovering interest owed. The modern legal system also enables money lenders to repossess people's property, for instance somebody's home, if they is unable to repay a loan within the agreed time limit. Mortgage lenders can and do legally take people's property, even if it is their only refuge and they have already paid many times the true market value of the property including interest. In a display of inexplicable hypocrisy, the same law courts which uphold and enforce usury and repossession also require people to swear oaths on the holy books in which God directly forbids these activities.

If you thought you were living in a society based on Christian principles, or Jewish or Muslim ones for that matter, then think again. We all live under the New Secular Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum) now, and this is just the beginning. The modern global finance system was created by the Knights Templar. a medieval military and religious Order which officially came to a controversial and mysterious end on Friday, 13 October 1307 when the Roman Catholic Church closed them down ,accusing their leaders of heresy and strange religious beliefs

During the era of the Crusades the Templars possessed a huge multi-national empire, and until their demise they were arguably the most powerful organisation on Earth. Could the official version of history be correct, that the entire organisation and its members had gone forever without a trace by 1312 AD? According to popular theory, the Templars went underground and formed the secret society of the Freemasons to preserve their secret tradition. Inside sources do not always openly accept the relationship between the Templars and the Freemasons , although there are obvious connections between these two groups ,and Masons make no secret of their continued interest in the Knights Templar .There is no doubt that esoteric secret societies claiming direct descent from the Templars do exists today, which apparently follow the ancient Egyptian mysteries.

"The Insider" strongly recommends further research in order to better understand this important and interesting chapter of human history, because it has exerted a major influence on the development of contemporary civilisation. The repercussions of these events reverberate strongly in world events to this day - and perhaps more deeply than most people appreciate.

In April 2002 a number of big financial companies merged to form one of the world's largest investment corporations, and on 27 September 2002 the new company was named "Isis" after the ancient Egyptian goddess. Isis Asset Management Plc confirm their appreciation of the ancient Egyptian religious tradition by incorporating the crown of Isis, a horned solar disc, in their official logo. The company's own literature does not mention the religious or historical significance of this new name in the world of global finance, and it would not be apparent except to those with prerequisite nowledge. It would be understandable why, two years into the new millennium, a huge international financial institution has chosen to be named after an ancient deity, if the men who control the company ossessed some knowledge of the ancient mysteries. Those who control the world's largest corporations and financial institutions - the high-priests of capitalism – are among the most influential and powerful men on Earth. The strategies which they employ, and the policies to which you are expected to surrender, directly disobey the fundamental laws of humanity which most religious people believe were given to our ancient ancestors by God himself. The origin of their ideology can be traced back through an ancient brotherhood which apparently survives today in the form of modern secret societies. The course of history has been set, and the future of human civilisation shall be decided, by the influence of these businessmen - the most powerful men in the world.

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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora