Saturday, October 16, 2010

General Knowledge

G.K.  For Standard MBA BANK Exam..!

1.   Which  of  the  following  is  the  greatest  source  of
power production in India?
      (1)  Thermal power  (2)  Hydro Electric power
      (3)  Atomic power    (4)  Wind power
      (5)  Tidal power.

2.   Which of the following statements is/are true?
(1)  Well irrigation is the major source of irrigation
in  our  country,  followed  by  Canal  irrigation,
and tank irrigation.
(2)  Canal   irrigation   is   the   major   source   of
irrigation  in  our  Country,  followed  by  well
irrigation and tank irrigation.
(3)  Tank   irrigation   is   the   major   source   of
irrigation followed by canal irrigation and well
(4)  Canal   irrigation   is   the   major   source   of
irrigation  in  our  country  followed  by  tank
irrigation and well irrigation.
      (5)  None of the above

3.   Which of the following statements is True?
(1)  The  West  of  Great  Himalayas  is  known  as
Trans-Himalayan Zone.
(2)  The  South  of  Great  Himalayas  is  known  as
Trans-Himalayan Zone.
(3)  The  North  of  Great  Himalayas  is  known  as
Trans-Himalayan Zone.
(4)  The  East  of  Great  Himalayas  is  known  as
Trans-Himalayan Zone.
(5)  The North West of Great Himalayas is known
as Trans-Himalayan Zone.

4.   Sandal wood is mainly produced in _____
(1)  Tropical dry deciduous forests.
(2)  Thorn forests.
(3)  Tropical  wet  Evergreen  and  Semi-evergreen
(4)  Tropical moist deciduous forests.
(5)  None of the above.

5.   Identify the incorrect statement ____
(1)  China   and   India   are   the   leading   rice
producers in the world.
(2)  USA   and   Russia   are   the   leading   wheat
producing nations.
      (3)  India and Srilanka lead in Tea production.
      (4)  More than one of the above statements.
      (5)  None of the above statements.

6.   Identify the incorrect match.
Location of head
1) The Asian
 Development Bank
Manila, The
2) The common Wealth      London
3) SAARC  Kathmandu
4) Red cross  Geneva
5) European Union  Paris
7.   The  venue  of  the  world  seed  congress  held  on
June 9 2003, was _______
      (1)  Delhi           (2)  Hyderabad  (3)  Bangalore
      (4)  Chennai      (5)  Lucknow

8.   The  state  share  holding  in  IFFCO  is  presently
      (1)  41%            (2)  70%            (3)  62%
      (4)  59%            (5)  60%

9.   The  venue  of  United  Nations  Sponsored  ‘The
Third World Water Forum’ was ____
      (1)  Tokyo         (2)  Kyoto          (3)  Helsinki
      (4)  Mumbai       (5)  Toronto.

10.  The Acronym NCCF stands for ___
      (1)  National Cooperative Credit Federation.
      (2)  National Calamity Corpus Fund.
      (3)  National Calamity Contingency Fund. 
      (4)  National Catastrophe contingency Fund.
      (5)  National Cataclysm Contingency Fund.

11.  The  permanent  mascot  for  Indian  Railways  is
named ___
      (1)  Gattu          (2)  Bhola          (3)  Bachhu
      (4)  Chuk Chuk  (5)  Bhayya

12.  The Amrita Devi Bishnoi National Award is given
for _____
      (1)  Wild life conservation 
(2)  Wild life Perpetuation
      (3)  Literary Excellence
      (4)  Woman Poets
      (5)  Tribal Entrepreneurs

13.  The   ‘Green   Oscars’   given   in   the   field   of
sustainable  Energy  are  alternatively  known  as
      (1)  Ashley Awards for sustainable Energy
      (2)  Ashden Awards for sustainable Energy
      (3)  Asha Awards for sustainable Energy
      (4)  Asahi Awards for sustainable Energy
      (5)  Chipko Awards for sustainable Energy

14.  Rajendra   Keshavlal   who   received   the   37 th 
Bharatiya Jnanpith Award wrote in ____
      (1)  Hindi           (2)  Marathi       (3)  Gujarati
      (4)  Bengali       (5)  Sanskrit

15.  Find the incorrect match.
(1)  National Institute of Oceanography Panaji,
      (2)  National physical Laboratory → New Delhi.
(3)  Central  Scientific  Instruments  Organisations
→ Chandigarh
(4)  Central   Drug   Research   Institute   →   New
(5)  Indian  Institute  of  Plasma  Research,  BHAT
IRMA GK Questions – Paper 1

16.  The Kalinga Award is given by the ____
      (1)  Ashoka Foundation 
      (2)  UNESCO
      (3)  Government of India
      (4)  Government of Orissa
      (5)  Government of Andhra Pradesh.

17.  Which  of  the  following  states  is  a  leader  in
Gypsum production?
      (1)  Rajasthan   (2)  Gujarat       (3)  Haryana
      (4)  U. P            (5)  Maharashtra

18.  Find the Incorrect statement ____
(1)  Asbestos    Rajasthan  and  Karnataka  are
the leading producers.
(2)  Barytes    Andhra  pradesh  is  the  largest
(3)  Mica    India  is  the  largest  producer  in  the
      (4)  Tin → India is one of the leading Exporters.
(5)  Lignite   →   Tamil   Nadu   is   the   leading

19.  Find  the  incorrect  statement  about  sugarcane
(1)  After  the  harvest  of  crop  the  cane  is  to  be
immediately processed because the sucrose
content declines with lapse of time.
      (2)  Sugarcane is a cash Crop.
(3)  Since   Sugarcane   is   weight   losing   raw
material  it  cannot  be  transported  over  long
(4)  After  cotton  textiles,  Sugar  Industry  is  the
second most important agro based Industry.
      (5)  None of the above.

20.  Which of the following Industrial regions  of  India
is   often   compared   to   ‘Rhur   region   of   West
      (1)  The Hooghly Belt.
      (2)  The Madurai-Coimbatore – Bangalore region.
      (3)  The Chota Nagpur Region.
      (4)  The Ahmedabad – Baroda Region.
      (5)  The Mumbai – Poona belt.

21.  Which of the following is not taken into account in
the Human Development Index?
      (1)  Life Expectancy 
      (2)  Per Capita Income
      (3)  Extent of Urbanisation
      (4)  Literacy rate and Education
      (5)  Sanitation facilities

22.  India   was   ranked   ____   in   the   UN   Human
Development Index in 2003.
      (1)  124             (2)  118             (3)  121 
(4)  127             (5)  137

23.  Which  of  the  following  chemicals  is  used  in
creating artificial rains?
      (1)  Silver Bromide   
(2)  Silver Nitrate
      (3)  Silver Iodide       
(4)  Sodium Thiosulphate
      (5)  Hydrogen peroxide

24.  Which of the following agencies main objective is
to assist and evaluate rural Welfare programmes
      (1)  CAPART                             
      (3)  DRDA                     
(4)  Regional Rural Banks     
(5)  None of these

25.  The  Earliest  Cooperatives  to  be  formed  in  India
were ___
      (1)  Housing cooperatives
      (2)  Milk cooperatives
      (3)  Textile cooperatives
      (4)  Oil seed cooperatives
(5)   Credit Cooperatives

26.  India is self sufficient in production of ___
      (1)  Edible oils         (2)  Food grains 
      (3)  Petroleum         (4)  Fertilizers
      (5)  More than one of the above.

27.  To   check   the   fluctuation   in   prices   of,   Tea,
Tobacco,  Coffee,  Rubber,  the  government  is
planning to Establish ___
      (1)  Price Variation fund
      (2)  Price Fluctuation Fund
      (3)  Price stabilisation fund
      (4)  Price vagary fund
      (5)  Stabilised Crop fund

28.  The target year as per the National Health policy
2002 for the Eradication of leprosy is ___
(1)  2005                 (2)  2007     
(3)  2010                 (4)  2020     
(5)  2008     

29.  The commission received by Gramin Dak Sewak
(Postman)  as  a  percentage  of  collected  tariff  in
Gramin Sanchar Sewak Yojana is ___
      (1)  25%                  (2)  20%      
(3)  10%                  (4)  15%
      (5)  5%

30.  Processing  of  which  of  the  following  oil  seeds
yields maximum amount of edible oil ____
      (1)  Mustard             (2)  Sun flower
      (3)  Groundnut         (4)  Niger seed
      (5)  Rape seed

31.  The  state  which  ranks  first  in  milk  production  in
India is ___
      (1)  Uttar pradesh    (2)  Punjab
      (3)  Haryana            (4)  Rajasthan
      (5)  Maharashtra

32.  Agriculture  price  Commission  and  Indian  Food
Corporation were constituted in the year . . .
      (1)  1967                 (2)  1969           (3)  1965
      (4)  1951                 (5)  1959

33.  Find the Incorrect Match
(1)  Antyodaya    programme    →    Helping    the
poorest among the poor.
(2)  Gyandeep    shiksha    YoJana    →    Primary
(3)   Nirmal     Bharat     Abhiyan     YoJana     →
Community Latrines in Slums
      (4)  TRYSEM → Rural Youth Self Employment
      (5)  DWACRA → Rural women

34.  The  institution  which  is  referred  to  as  ‘soft  loan
window’ of the World Bank
      (1)  IDA                   (2)  IFC             (3)  IBRD
      (4)  IMF                   (5)  None of these

35.  The   chairman   of   our   National   Development
Council is
      (1)  The president
      (2)  The Finance Minister
      (3)  The Prime Minister
      (4)  RBI Governor
      (5)  Rural Development Minister

36.  Farmers  holding  upto  one  hectare  of  land  are
called as ____ in India.
      (1)  Poor farmers     (2)  Subsistence farmers
      (3)  Marginal farmers(4)  Middle class farmers
      (5)  Affluent farmers

37.  Which  of  the  following  Industries  is  the  most
labour intensive in India . . .
      (1)  Cotton Industry        
(2)  Iron and Steel Industry
      (3)  Jute Industry            
(4)  Cement Industry
      (5)  Food processing Industry

38.  Which of the following statements is true?
(1)  ‘Mercosur’ is the new car model launched by
Daimler Chrysler.
(2)  ‘Mercosur’  is  a  new  element  added  to  the
periodic table.
      (3)  A ‘Mercosur’ is a slippery person.
(4)  ‘Mercosur’  is  a  Free  trade  Zone  involving
some South American Nations.
(5)  None of these.

39.  Find the incorrect match.
                              Leading Producer
      (1)  Soya bean  →   Madhya Pradesh
      (2)  Rice            →   Andhra Pradesh
      (3)  Jute            →   West Bengal
      (4)  Pulses        →   Madhya Pradesh
      (5)  Milk             →   Uttar Pradesh

40.  The  quorum  of  women  needed  for  making  a
‘working group’ under DWCRA programme is . . .
      (1)  25        (2)  5    (3)  7    (4)  10        (5)  15

41.  Centre for Wind Energy Technology [C-WET] has
been set up at
      (1)  Bhubaneshwar  (2)  Chennai      
      (3)  Kolkata             (4)  Mumbai
      (5)  Ahmedabad

42.  The   organization   which   conducts   front   line
agricultural extension and education programmes
      (1)  NCERT             (2)  ICRISAT     (3)  ICRA
      (4)  ICAR                (5)  NABARD

43.  The  number  of  Regional  Rural  Banks  operating
presently in our country is 
      (1)  196                   (2)  1096           (3)  10096
      (4)  1006                 (5)  1296
44.  Find the correct match
(1)  Masstricht treaty       →   European
      (2)  TRIPS & TRIMS       →   IMF
      (3)  Bretton Wood twins  →   Siamese twins
      (4)  Dunkel                    →   World Bank
      (5)  India House             →   Delhi

45.  ECOMARC which is granted to a product which is
not harmful to the environment has a mark of . . .
      (1)  A flower in bloom
      (2)  A pitcher of clay
      (3)  A clear blue sky
      (4)  Sun behind Mountains
      (5)  Drops of water

46.  The  Head  Quarters  of  Food  and  Agriculture
Organization (FAO) is at . . .
      (1)  The Hague        (2)  Brussels
      (3)  Washington       (4)  Geneva 
(5)  Quebec

47.  Find the incorrect match
(1)  ECOMARC →   Environment  friendly
(2)  AGMARK    →   Fruits and Vegetables
      (3)  KALEEN     →   Child labour
      (4)  RUAMARK  →   Vegetarian products
      (5)  RUGMARK  →   Child labour

48.  The wing of the world bank whose main function
is to ensure financial support to private sector in
developing countries is
      (1)  IDA                   (2)  IFC             (3)  IBRD
      (4)  IDE                   (5)  IMF

49.  Match the following
      (1)  IMF & IBRD       (a)  Brussels
      (2)  European Union (b)  Geneva
      (3)  WTO                 (c)  Washington D C
      (4)  SAARC             (d)  Jakarta
      (5)  ASEAN             (e)  Kathmandu

(1)  1-b  2-a  3-c  4-e  5-d
(2)  1-a  2-b  3-c  4-e  5-d
(3)  1-c  2-b  3-a  4-e  5-d
(4)  1-c  2-b  3-a  4-d  5-e
(5)  1-c  2-a  3-b  4-e  5-d

50.  Which  of  the  following  cities  is  not  a  part  of
Golden quadrilateral?
      (1)  Mumbai             (2)  Chennai      (3)  Kolkata
      (4)  Delhi                 (5)  Jaipur

51.  The  Banking  Ombudsman  man  scheme  was
introduced for 
      (1)  giving solutions to customers complaints
(2)  regulating   the   functioning   of   cooperative
(3)  enquiring into irregularities in loan disbursals
by private banks
(4)  stream  lining  functioning  of  Regional  Rural
      (5)  for checking the functioning of RBI

52.  FDI limit in Tea Industry is
      (1)  51%            (2)  49%            (3)  70%
      (4)  80%            (5)  100%

53.  As  per  the  EXIM  policy  2003-04  the  targeted
share of India trade in Global trade is __ by 2007.
      (1)  2%             (2)  3%             (3)  1%
      (4)  5%             (5)  2.5%

54.  The  percentage  of  Ethanol  in  Ethanol  mixed
petrol sold in some states from January, 1, 2003
      (1)  5% (2)  2% (3)  3% (4)  4% (5)  7%

55.  Which  state  tops  in  the  length  of  roads  in  our
      (1)  Andhra Pradesh       (2)  Rajasthan
      (3)  Uttar pradesh          (4)  Madhya Pradesh
      (5)  Maharashtra

56.  Which  state  electricity  board  has  the  highest
outstandings to NTPC
      (1)  TamilNadu              (2)  Rajasthan
      (3)  UP                          (4)  Bihar
      (5)  Madhya Pradesh
57.  The targeted level of reduction in infant Mortality
rate in the 10 th  plan is
      (1)  20 per thousand       (2)  45 per thousand
      (3)  50 per thousand       (4)  35 per thousand
      (5)  40 per thousand

58.  OPEC has its head quarters at
      (1)  Kuwait city              (2)  Teheran      
(3)  Baghdad                 (4)  Vienna         
(5)  Paris

59.  Exports  of  which  of  the  following  Handicrafts
Fetch maximum Export revenue
      (1)  Ivory goods             (2)  Gems and Jewellery
      (3)  Brass goods            (4)  Leather goods
      (5)  Sandalwood products

60.  Which  of  the  following  sectors  has  the  highest
amount of disguised unemployment in India?
      (1)  Services                  (2)  Agriculture  
(3)  Industry                   (4)  Transport    
(5)  Manufacturing Sector

1.   1
2.   1
3.   3
4.   4
5.   5
6.   5
7.   3
8.   1
9.   2
10.  3
11.  2    
12.  1
13.  2
14.  3
15.  4
16.  2
17.  1
18.  4
19.  5
20.  3
21.  3    
22.  4
23.  3
24.  1
25.  5
26.  2
27.  3
28.  1
29.  2
30.  3
31.  1    
32.  3
33.  2
34.  1
35.  3
36.  3
37.  1
38.  4
39.  2
40.  4
41.  2    
42.  4
43.  1
44.  1
45.  2
46.  5
47.  4
48.  2
49.  5
50.  5
51.  1    
52.  5
53.  3
54.  1
55.  5
56.  3
57.  2
58.  4
59.  2
60.  2    


1.         For his “analysis of intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy” this Columbia University Professor won the 2006 Nobel Prize for Economics. He is
            (A) Edmund S Phleps                                        (B) Robert J Aumann
            (C) Thomas C Schelling                                     (D) Raymond D Junior

2.         Omimex De Columbia, a Columbian oil firm, has recently been acquired by ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) in partnership with
            (A) Reliance Petrochemical                                (B) Sinopec                              
            (C) Malaysian Oil Bhd                                        (D) Rosnfet

3.         Indira Nooyi sometimes brings her kids to office so that they can do their homework under her supervision. Which company elevated her to the rank of the CEO?
            (A) Coca Cola                                                   (B) Proctor and Gamble
            (C) Pepsico                                                       (D) Hindustan Lever

4.         Pick the incorrect Corporate  CEO pair:
            (A) McKinsey and Company  - Rajat Gupta        
            (B) Vodafone  - Arun Sarin
            (C) IBM  Rajesh Hukku                                 
            (D) Bell Labs - Arun Netravali

5.         The controversial book “Freakonomics”, by the economist Steven D Levitt, lays the onus of unexplained drop in crime rate in the US on:
            (A) Strong Economy                                          (B) Abortion Laws
            (C) Ageing Population                                       (D) Better Policing

6.         Business Week's Infotech 100' 2006 published a list of global rankings. How many Indian telecom and software services firms made it to this list?
            (A) Two                         (B) Ten                          (C) Eight                       (D) Six

7.         Who updates a blog known as the “Gadgets, Google & SEO”?
            (A) Eric Schmidt                                                            (B) Larry Page
            (C) Matt Cutts                                                    (D) Sergey Brin

8.         What is the main attribute of a Gilt-Edged stock?
            (A) Bonds issued by the government whose likelihood of default is zero
(B) A stock backed by gold.
            (C) Stocks which are linked to the inflation rate
            (D) Stocks doing well in the capital market

9.         Which parameter defines the poverty line in India?
            (A) housing and clothing facilities                       (B) income of the family
            (C) general health of a family                             (D) per capita calories intake

10.        Sharad Pawar was recently elected as the BCCI President, he replaced:
            (A) Ranbir Singh Mahendra                                (B) Jagmohan Dalmiya
            (C) IS Bindra                                                     (D) Kiran More

11.        Which of the following countries does not have 'dinar' as its currency unit?
            (A) Iraq                         (B) Bahrain                    (C) Iran                          (D) Jordan

12.        Which among the following facts is not true about the life expectancy of females in India?
(A) The life expectancy at birth among females has been steadily improving over the years from 23.3 in 1901 to 61.8 in 1997.
            (B)  In India life expectancy of women is more than men.
(C) According to the 2001 census figure Madhya Pradesh had the lowest life expectancy among female while Delhi had the highest life expectancy.
            (D) The urban female life expectancy is higher at 68.

13.        The MPA (Members Participations Agreement), is the bone of contention between which two organizations?
            (A) ICC & ICICI                                                   (B) ICBC and ICC          
            (C) BCCI & ICICI                                                (D) BCCI and ICC

14.        Bollgard is a/an
            (A) New variety of Bt. Cotton.
            (B) A new insurance scheme for spice corps.
            (C) A new pest that affects apples.
            (D) A new trade initiative to raise the output of cotton in India.

15.        2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohammad Yunus shared his prize with the bank that he created. The bank is named:
            (A) Gram Bank     (B) Grameen Bank                  (C) Prabha Bank            (D)Bangla Bank

16.        While calculating the development indexes a term called GDP at Purchasing Power Parity is always used. Which among the following facts is not true about Purchasing Power Parity index?
(1) Purchasing Power parity (PPP) is a theory, which says that the long-run equilibrium exchange rate of two currencies is the rate that equalizes the currencies' purchasing power.
(2) These special exchange rates are often used to compare the standards of living of two or more countries.
(3) In works on the basis of the law of one price which says: “In an efficient market all identical goods must have only one price.”
Which of the above statements is/are true?
            (A) Only (1) and (2)                                            (B) Only (2) and (3)       
            (C) All (1), (2) and (3)                                         (D) Only (1)

17.        Malnutrition may cause a situation called Cachexia. In general terms it refers to:    
            (A) Loss of weight                                                        
            (B) Inability to adapt to increased food intake.
            (C) Loss of memory
            (D) Depletion of bones

18.        Google is in the process of  $1.65 billion takeover of an online media website called:
            (A) YouTube                  (B) WeTube                   (C) SeeTube                  (D) TVTube

19.        World Tuberculosis Day is observed on which of the following dates?
            (A) 22nd May                (B) 24th March               (C) 23rd June                (D) 3rd April

20.        Which country tops the list of the world's most corrupt countries, issued by Transparency International:
            (A) Mexico                    (B) Iraq                         (C) Afghanistan             (C) Haiti

21.        Which among the following ministries has been identified as the nodal ministry for National Mission on Bio-diesel?
            (A) Ministry for Rural Development                    
(B) Ministry of Environment and Forest
            (C) Ministry of Power                            
(D) Ministry of Petroleum and Oil resources

22.        Which among the following organisations/firms has recently took up the task of rediscovering the river Saraswati?
            (A) Archeological Survey of India                       (B) Indian Water Commission
            (C) ONGC                                                         (D) Cairn Energy

23.        Which among the following states is India's largest producer of eggs?
            (A) Maharashtra                                                 (B) Andhra Pradesh                  
            (C)Karnataka                                                     (D) Uttar Pradesh

24.        What is India's rank in the global production of fruits? 
            (A) First                        (B) Fourth                     (C) Third                        (D) Second

25.        Which philanthropist organization has been established by the Chairman of the Microsoft Corporation? It specifically focuses on lending grant for AIDS research.
            (A) Bill Gates Foundation                                   (B) Melinda Gates Foundation
            (C) Microsoft Foundation                                   (D) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

26.        Brazil is the world's biggest producer of Coffee, which among the following is the second largest producer of Coffee?
            (A) Vietnam                   (B) India                        (C) Indonesia                 (D) Colombia

27.        The recent bid of TATA Steel, to acquire UK based Anglo-Dutch steel venture named “Corus”, is worth:
            (A) $5.1 bn                    (B) $6.1 bn                    (C) $7.1 bn                    (D) $8.1 bn

28.        USA ranks at the top of India's list of export destinations. Which of the following regions ranks second?
            (A) European Union       (B) Middle East             (C) ASEAN                    (D) CWIS

29.        Consider the following statements:-
(1) Two agreements were recently signed between the Government and the GMR and GVK groups to set up joint venture companies involving the public sector Airports Authority of India for handing over the Delhi and Mumbai airports for modernisation.
            (2) K Ramalingam is Chairman of AAI.
            (3) The headquarter of AAI is situated in Jamshed G. Tata House, Navi Mumbai.
            Which among the above statements is/are true?
            (A) Only (1) is true.                                            (B) Only (2) and (3) are true.
            (C) All (1), (2) and (3) are true.                            (D) Only (1) and (2) are true.

30.        According to a recent report in Forbes Magazine, India's youngest Billionaire is Vikrant Bhargarva, the oldest is
            (A) Azim Premji                                                 (B) Narayana Murthy
            (C) Brij Mohan Munjal                                         (D) Naresh Goyal

31.        Which state recently topped the list of best performing states Panchayati raj by the Union Panchayati Raj ministry for the year 2004-05?
            (A) Madhya Pradesh      (B) Kerala                      (C) Gujarat                    (D) Sikkim

32.        'Air Asia', is a budget airlines in which of the following countries?
            (A) Pakistan                  (B) Sri Lanka                 (C) India                        (D) Malaysia

33.        Which of the following organisations uses the ad-line "The world put stock on us”?
            (A) NYSE                      (B) NASDAQ                 (C) BSE                        (D) IMF

34.        Rasna Private Ltd has recently signed up which of the following Bollywood icon as its brand ambassador?
            (A) Kajol                                                           (B) Sushmita Sen         
            (C) Kareena Kapoor                                           (D) Hrithik Roshan

35.        The Governor draws a monthly salary of
            (A) Rs. 5,000                (B) Rs. 11,000               (C) Rs. 7,500                 (D) Rs. 10,000

36.        The India Golf Tour is sponsored by which two-wheeler manufacturer
            (A) Hero Honda                                                 (B) Bajaj Auto               
            (C) Kinetic Honda                                              (D) LML Industries

37.        Which of the following banks is planning to become a partner in a joint venture in Malaysia along with Bank of Baroda and Oriental Bank of Commerce?
            (A) Bank of Rajasthan                                        (B) ICICI Bank
            (C) Bank of Maharashtra                                    (D) HDFC         

38.        Which was the first public sector bank to launch the Visa card in India?
            (A) SBI                                                              (B) Andhra Bank           
            (C) Bank of Baroda                                           (D) Indian Overseas Bank

39.        Central-State financial distribution takes place following recommendations made by the
            (A) Finance Minister                                           (B) Finance Commission
            (C) Planning Commission                                   (D) Sarkaria Commission

40.        Why the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), has recently hit World's business headlines?
            (A) Making a largest acquisition in China
            (B) Undergoing largest public sector merger in China
            (C) Launching the largest IPOin China    
            (D) Setting a record for banking turnover in China

41.        Which auto major has launched cars in India with VTEC engine technology?
            (A) Hyundai                   (B) Honda                     (C) Mercedes                (D) Opel

42.        Which among the following awards cannot be given to a non-Indian?
            (A) Indira Gandhi Peace Award                           (B) Padam Shree                                  
            (C) Arjuna award                                                (D) Bharat Ratna

43.        With which company would you associate the slogan, "We make the things that make India proud"?
            (A) ACC                                                            (B) L&T
            (C) Reliance                                                      (D) Crompton Greaves.

44.        Anurag Dixit, an IIT Alumni, runs an online company with major operations based at Gibraltar. This company suffered considerable losses according to the recent financial results. Its named:
            (A)                                         (B)
            (C)                                        (D)

45.        Which airline in India serves Domino's Pizzas?
            (A) Sahara                     (B) Jet Airways              (C) Indian Airlines          (D) Air-India

46.        The world's first water-powered car has been manufactured by
            (A) BMW                                                           (B) Mitsubishi   
            (C) Maruti-Suzuki                                               (D) General Motors

47.        The print ad of which brand carried the headline-"So plush, so comfortable, so depressing for other cars"?                     
            (A) Hyundai                                                       (B) Scorpio                              
            (C) Maruti 800                                                    (D) Ford IKON NXT

48.        Which among the following is name of only airlines operating form Afghanistan to International destinations?
(A) Air Afghania                                                 (B) Air Afghan              
            (C) Afghan Airlines                                            (D) Ariana Afghan Airlines

49.        Which company confers the Red & White Bravery Award?                      
            (A) ITC                                                              (B) Godfrey Philips
            (C) VST Industries Ltd                                        (D) United Breweries

50.        “Be the first to know” is the punchline associated with which of the following news channel?
            (A) CNBC                      (B) Star News                (C) BBC                        (D) CNN

51.        The famous “Economic Drain Theory” was given by:
            (A) Lord Lytton, 1876                                         (B) Swami dayanand, 1875
            (C) Dadabhai Naoroji, 1876                                (D) Lord Northbrook, 1876.

52.        World over it is estimated that about half of the world's silver is used in one industry. Which One?
            (A) Photography                                               (B) Hotel Industry
            (C) Wrist Watch Industry                                    (D) IT industry

53.        Public Sector comprises enterprises where the state owns…
            (A) 75 % of the capital                                      (B) 51 % of the capital
            (C) 85 % of the capital                                      (D) 100 % of the capital

54.        Before being called WIPRO, what was the company's earlier name?
            (A) Western India Promotions                
            (B) Western India's Premier Racing Organisation
            (C) Western India Vegetables Products
            (D) None of these

55.        In which city is the Hindustan Organic Chemicals Limited?
            (A) Hyderabad              (B) Kolkatta                   (C) Kochi                      (D) Rasayani

56.        The Industrial Revolution was to begin first in:
            (A) USA                        (B) Japan                      (C) England                   (D) USSR

57.        Which among the following is not a trait of free market?
            (A) Government control is minimal         
            (B) Prices are decided by market forces
            (C) Always works in equilibrium
            (D) Shortages and surpluses are rare.

58.        In 1819, USA purchased a state from Spain. It was described as one of the 'best buys' of the millennium.
            (A) Florida                     (B) Louisiana                 (C) Kansas                    (D) Alaska

59.        Which authority computes the National Income in India?
            (A) Finance Commission                                    (B) Planning Commission
            (C) Central Statistical Organisation                    (D) None of these

60.        India's first joint sector company is
            (A) Maruti Udyog Limited          
            (B) Sundaram Clayton
            (C) Automobile Products of India Ltd.                           
            (D) SPIC (Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation) Ltd.

61.        Microsoft mulls a music playing gadget, set to rival Apple's Ipod:
            (A) Tune                        (B) MS Pod                   (C) ETunes                    (D) Zune

62.        The government most rigidly controls which industry?
            (A) Cotton                     (B) Paper                      (C) Cement                   (D) Timber

63.        In which city would one find the National Ship Design and Research Centre (NSDRC)?
            (A) Calcutta                  (B) Hyderabad               (C) Kochi                (D) Vishakhapatnam

64.        In which year was Mahindra & Mahindra incorporated?
            (A) 1935                        (B) 1955                        (C) 1960                        (D) 1945

65.        Vertis & Vectra are branded air conditioners from which company?
            (A) LG                          (B) Carrier Aircon           (C) Voltas                     (D) Kelvinator

66.        What was Sir Don Bradman's occupation after he moved to Adelaide from Sydney in 1935?
            (A) Stockbroker                                                 (B) Television Newsreader
            (C) Cricket Commentator                                   (D) Professor

67.        Which car in Spanish means "Charming"?
            (A) Zen                         (B) Matiz                       (C) Santro                     (D) Icon

68.        From which region does India import maximum number of commodities?
            (A) Europe                    (B) Africa                     (C) Asia                        (D) America

69.        The brand 'BRAVIA' is owned by:
            (A) Philips                     (B) Sony                       (C) Sanyo                     (D) Mitsubishi

70.        The brand 'Vimal', to be revived soon, is owned by which company?
            (A) Reliance                  (B) Tata             (C) Bajaj                        (D) HLL

71.        Who is the biggest advertiser in the world, with an annual budget of more than $4 Billion?
            (A) GE                                                              (B) Coca-Cola              
            (C) The US Government                         (D) P&G

72.        Who made the statement; “Supply creates its own demands”?
            (A) Adam Smith            (B) Marshall                  (C) J.B. Say                 (D) Kennedy

73.        Which company is India's largest synthetic textile producer?
            (A) Garden                                                       (B) Arvind Mills 
            (C) Reliance India Ltd                                         (D) Vardhman

74.        Match the following:
            Column I                                                           Column II
            A. Samsonite                                                    i. Because you've earned your wings
            B. Zee Network                                                 ii. Jiyo Zee Bhar Ke
            C. National Geographic                                      iii. Think again
            D. Toyota Innova                                               iv. All you desire
            (A) A- iii, B- i, C-ii, D-iv                                       (B) A- i, B- ii, C-iii, D-iv
            (C) A- iv, B- iii, C-ii, D-i                                       (D) A- iii, B-ii, C- i, D-iv

75.        The chiefly used crop for producing biodiesel is
            (A) Kikar                       (B) Jatropha                  (C) Coconut                  (D) Mustard

76.        In budgetary terminology primary deficit is
            (A) Fiscal Deficit minus Interest Payments
            (B) Net Deficit minus Revenue Deficit    
            (C) Fiscal Deficit minus Revenue Payments       
            (D) Budget Deficit minus Interest Payments

77.        The Nobel Peace Prize for year 2006 was given jointly to International Atomic Energy Agency and its chief  
            (A) Wong Jong Ki                                              (B) Wangari Mathai       
            (C) Mohamed EIBaradei                                     (D) Paul Schalk

78.        India's first PSU was
            (A) Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited                      (B) Air India
            (C) India Telephone Industries                            (D) Indian Oil Corporation

79.        Which among the following is not true in relation to monetary policy?
            (A) It regulates the supply of money and the cost and availability of credit in the economy.
            (B) It deals with both the lending and borrowing rates of interest for   commercial banks.
            (C) It aims to maintain price stability, full employment and economic growth.
(D) The Finance Ministry is responsible for formulating and implementing Monetary Policy.

80.        The XI th five-year plan will cover the period
            (A) 2006  2010               (B) 2007  2012               (C) 2008  2012               (D) 2007  2011

81.        What is the name of Light Combat Aircraft being developed by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited?
            (A) Saras                      (B) Vajra                       (C) Tarang                     (D) Tejas

82.        The revised estimates from the Central Statistical Organisation on May 31, 2006 for India's annual per capita income are
            (A) Rs. 23,000               (B) Rs. 28,000               (C) Rs. 25,000               (D) Rs. 18,000

83.        The latest Forbes list of world's top 500 companies includes six Indian companies. Which among the following is not among them?
            (A) State Bank of India                                      (B) Indian Oil Corporation 
            (C) ONGC                                                         (D) ICICI Bank

84.        Which Indian company recently acquired Element K, a leading provider of learning solutions in North America, for a consideration of $40 million?
            (A) NIIT                         (B) Aptech                    (C) Wipro                      (D) HCL Info

85.        Roland Junck is the new CEO of
            (A) ArcelorMittal            (B) Fiat                         (C) DaimlerChrysler        (D) BMW

86.        On 12th October 2006, Reliance Industries Limited topples this company for the largest  market capitalization at the Bombay Stock Exchange:
            (A) Tata Steel                (B) ICICI Bank    (C) NTPC                     (D) ONGC

87.        Bank of International Settlements (or BIS) is an international organization of central banks which exists to “foster cooperation among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial stability”. It was an outcome of the Hague convention of
            (A) 1945                        (B) 1930                        (C) 1928                        (D) 1948

88.        Which banks recently launched a mutual fund called  Magnum Contra?
            (A) Central Bank of India                                    (B) State Bank of India 
            (C) Punjab National Bank                                   (D) Canara Bank

89.        Which Indian company has signed a Rs. 500 crore to Russia's Stroytransgaz for laying of a gas pipeline in India?
            (A) ONGC                                                         (B) GAIL                       
            (C) Reliance Petroleum                                      (D) Bharat Gas

90.        Which among the following recently became the first Indian bank to have a fullfledged operation in China?
            (A) Indian Overseas Bank                                   (B) State Bank of India
            (C) Punjab National Bank                                   (D) ICICI Bank

91.        Consider the following statements about India's livestock population?
            (1) India owns the largest livestock population in the world.
(2) India accounts for nearly 57 percent of the world buffalo population and 16 percent of the cattle population. 
            (3) India is the largest producer of milk.
            Which of the above given statement(s) is/are true?
            (A) Only (1)                                                       (B) Both (1) and (2)       
            (C) Only (3)                                                       (D) All (1), (2) and (3)    

92.        World Tuberculosis Day is observed on which among the following dates?
            (A) 22nd May                (B) 23rd June                (C) 24th March               (D) 3rd April

93.        The per capita availability of pulses in India is approx.
            (A) 13 kg per year                                              (B) 10.5 kg per year
            (C) 18 kg per year                                              (D) 14 kg per year

94.        Which among the following persons and posts they hold is NOT correctly matched?
            (A) Rajiv Shukla Treasurer of Board for Control of Cricket in India
            (B) Asif Ismail  Training partner of Sania Mirza
            (C) John Gloster  Physical Trainer of Indian Cricket Team
            (D) V. Bhaskaran  Coach of Indian Hockey Team

95.        Consider the following statements:-
(1)  The central government recently signed two agreements to set up joint venture companies involving the public sector Airports Authority of India and the GMR and GVK groups for handling over the Delhi and Mumbai airports for modernisation.
            (2) K Ramalingam is Chairman of AAI.
            (3) The headquarter of AAI is situated in Jamshed G. Tata House, Navi Mumbai.
            Which among the above statements is/are true?
            (A) Only (1) is true.                                            (B) Only (2) and (3) are true.
            (C) All (1), (2) and (3) are true.                            (D) Only (1) and (2) are true.

96.        The commerce ministry has appointed a one-member committee to finalise a viable package for plantation farmers. Who among the following persons was selected for the job?
            (A) M S Swaminathan                                        (B) CVK Krishnamurthy 
            (C) N Rangachary                                              (D) Mr. Sompal

97.        According to the WTO charter which among the following is not a benefit availed by is members?
            (A) The member Governments are shielded from lobbying.
            (B) Freer trade cuts the costs of living
            (C) Trade Disputes are handled constructively
            (D) Access to Foreign currency is made easier

98.        Which among the following states is India's largest user or pesticide products?
            (A) Andhra Pradesh                                           (B) Uttar Pradesh                      
            (C) Karnataka                                                    (D) Punjab 

99.        Which among the following is not a cause of decline in the number of natural pollinators worldwide?
(A) Increased international trade of food products has led to a rapid transfer of parasites and diseases of pollinator species around the world.
(B) In some areas development or agriculture has disrupted and broken up and traditional nectar corridors that are required to gain their energy requirements for the migration of the pollinators.
(C) The use of Genetically Modified seeds has reduced the chances of pollination via external bodies.  
(D) There is growing number of cases where insecticides are being used during the blooming seasons of the plants, thus causing damage to pollinator species.

100.      Which among the following products can be pasteurized?
            1. Egg                          2. Beer                          3. Water                        4. Milk
            (A) Only 1, 2 and 3                                            (B) Only 2, 3 and 4
            (C) Only 1, 2 and 4                                            (D) All 1, 2, 3 and 4

101.      Which of the following is a breed of buffalo?
            (A) Murrah                     (B) Mecheri                   (C) Gunjam                    (D) Chokla

102.      Which among the following scheme is not implemented by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare?
            (A) Vande Mantram Scheme
            (B) Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) Scheme
            (C) Janani Suraksha Yojana
            (D) Bal Vikas Pariyojana

103.      Which among the following persons is the Director General of World Intellectual Property Organisation?
            (A) Sultan Shah Amil                                          (B) Kamil Idris              
            (C) John Smith Openheimer                               (D) Michel Kamdasus

104.      According to the latest data which among the following nations has the maximum number of Pravasi Bhartiya (Migrated Indian Citizens) as their residents?
            (A) USA                        (B) UK                          (C) South Africa            (D) Myanmar

105.      Which among the following persons was the chairman of the advisory committee constituted to enable the government to formulate its view on restructuring of Oil public sector undertakings?
            (A) S V Rangnathan                                           (B) S Vijayaraghavan    
            (C) V Krishnamurthy                                           (D) Rakesh Tuteja         

106.      Which of the following facts is not true about India's present eletricity scenario?
            (A) Around 74% of rural households were electrified in the country till March 2006.          
            (B) Out of this about 55.8% capacity is generated by the state sector.
            (C) The contribution of thermal power is 66% of the total installed capacity.
            (D) The total installed capacity of power generation in India is about 1.26 lakh MW.

107.      Which among the following is not the responsibility of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission that was established in 1998?
(A) To improve the operations and management of the regional transmission systems through Indian Electricity Grid Code (IEGC),  and Availability Based Tariff (ABT).
            (B) To Facilitate open access in interstate transmission.
            (C) To dissolve the disputes between power generation and distribution authorities.
(D) Facilitate technological and institutional changes required for the development of competitive markets in bulk power and transmission services.

108.      Vanya is a brand name/label for which among the following products?
            (A) Honey                     (B) Silk                         (C) Sahtoosh                 (D) Sandal

109.      India's Integrated Interim missile-testing site Chandipur-On-Sea, from where Agni-Ill was tested recently, is situated in which among the following states?
            (A) Orissa                                                         (B) Maharashtra
            (C) West Bengal                                                (D) Andhra Pradesh

110.      Which among the following business barons was recently appointed as the Sheriff of Mumbai?
            (A) Nusli Wadia                                                 (B) Vijaypat Singhania  
            (C) Jerry Rao                                                     (D) Ravi Dasani

111.      Mr. Tulsi Tanti is chairman of which among the following firms?
            (A) Suzlon Energy                                             (B) Crompton Greaves  
            (C) DLF                                                             (D) Apollo Tyres

112.      The first 20-20 International match was held between which among the following nations?
            (A) Australia and England                                  (B) England and Sri Lanka
            (C) Australia and New Zealand                            (D) New Zealand and England

113.      India is hosting the 2006 ICCO global summit for the first time. Which among the following cities is hosting it?
            (A) Pune                       (B) Hyderabad               (C) Mumbai                   (D) New Delhi

114.      Blaupunkt GmbH is the euro300 million mobile communications and car entertainment company from which among the following countries?
            (A) The Netherlands                                           (B) Luxembourg                       
            (C) Germany                                                      (D) Norway

115.      Global IT services giant Electronic Data Systems Corporation has recently acquired a significant stake in which among the following companies?
            (A) MphasiS BFL                                               (B) Hexaware Technologies
            (C) Polaris Software                                          (D) HCL Info

116.      Which among the following Indian firm was recently ranked as India's Most Respected Multinational Business Conglomerate' by United States-India Business Council?
            (A) Tata Group                                                  (B) Reliance Industries Limited
            (C) Hero Honda                                                 (D) AV Birla Group

117.      Which among the following business barons recently announced to donate about $37.4 billion to Bill and Melinda Gates foundation?
            (A) Steve jobs                                                   (B) Warren Buffet                     
            (C) David Trump                                                (D) Ingvar Kamprad

118.      Which among the following is India's most profitable company?
            (A) Reliance Industries Limited                           (B) Indian Tobacco Company
            (C) ONGC                                                         (D) NTPC

119.      Which among the following Indian companies is providing a free data management solution, as well as, IT services to 'Project Hope' in China?
            (A) Living Digital                                                (B) Satyam Computers 
            (C) L&T Info                                                      (D) TCS

120.      ONGC Mittal Energy Ltd has finalised the investment proposals for setting up a 15 million tonne per annum export-oriented refinery, a 2,000 MW power plant and railway lines in which among the following African countries?
            (A) Zambia                    (B) Ghana                     (C) Angola                    (D) Nigeria

121.      According to World Bank's latest report India is now the world's ________wealthiest nation?
            (A) Fourth                     (B) Eighth                     (C) Twelfth                    (D) Sixteenth

122.      Which among the following companies recently launched its super luxury hot wheels: 'Gallardo' and 'Murcielago' in India?
            (A) Audi                        (B) Rolls Royce             (C) Lamborghini             (D) Porsche

123.      Which among the following southern states is all set to launch “Tourism-on-Wheels” project in collaboration with the Indian Railways?
            (A) Andhra Pradesh       (B) Karnataka               (C) Tamil Nadu              (D) Kerala

124.      Isuzu Motors Ltd, Japan's largest maker of light trucks has decided to start making buses in India in 2007 in association with
            (A) TELCO                                                        (B) Ashok Leyland        
            (C) Swaraj Mazda                                              (D) Mahindra and Mahindra

125.      In an attempt to enhance the quality of customer service and strengthen the grievance redressal mechanism, the Reserve Bank of India has constituted a new department  Customer Service Department (CSD). Which of the following is not among the key responsibilities of the department?
            (A) Dissemination of instructions or information relating to customer service.
            (B) Grievance redressal by banks and the RBI.
(C) Administering the Banking Ombudsman (BO) scheme and act as a nodal department for the Banking codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI).
            (D) All of the above

126.      The new ICC president Percy Sonn belong to which among the following countries?
            (A) England                   (B) South Africa            (C) Australia        (D) New Zealand

127.      Which among the following countries has the maximum amount of external debt?
            (A) USA                        (B) Mexico                    (C) Brazil                       (D) Japan

128.      Tata Sky is a satellite television company in India, formed through a joint venture between the Tata Group and
            (A) Star TV                    (B) Eurospace               (C) Sky Italia                 (D) ISRO

129.      'Eco Mark' is given to the Indian products that are
            (A) pure and unadulterated                                 (B) rich in protein
            (C) economically viable                                      (D) environment-friendly

130.      The indicator of economic prosperity is
             (A) increase in gross national product at current prices
             (B) increase in net national product at current prices
             (C) increase in gross national product at fixed prices
             (D) increase in net national product at fixed prices

131.      Cairn Energy, which is exploring oil in Rajasthan, belongs to
            (A) Ireland                     (B) Scotland                  (C) Norway                    (D) Sweden

132.      The youngest ever Indian to achieve a Grandmaster norm in Chess is
            (A) Sahaj Grover            (BSaina Nehwal             (C) Parimarjan Negi        (D) D Harika

133.      Which among the following is not a wholly owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India?
            (A) National Housing Bank                                
            (B) National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development
            (C) Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India

            (D) Exim Bank of India

134.      The next Asian Game will be held in December, 2006 in
            (A) Doha                       (B) Abu Dhabi               (C) Riyadh                     (D) Kyoto

135.      The service tax umbrella does not cover
            (A) Pathology labs                                            (B) Telecom services
            (C) Coaching institutes                                       (D) Catering services

136.      Which company recently launched a premium prêt denim line in the Indian fashion arena, cobranding it with John Abraham?
            (A) Killer                        (B) Wrangler                  (C) Lee Copper              (D) Milky Way

137.      The National Stock Exchange, incorporated in 1992, in terms of transactions holds:
            (A) fifth rank in the World.                                  (B) third rank in the World.
            (C) seventh rank in the World.                            (D) does not figure in the top 10.

138.      Which country, of the following, is the biggest contributor for Foreign Direct Investment in India between 1991 to 2004?
            (A) Mauritius                  (B) USA                        (C) Japan                 (D) United Kingdom

139.      SAFTA, stands for
            (A) South Asia Free Trade Agreement  
            (B) South African Federation for Tribal Advancement
            (C) South Asian Forum for Tourism Agreements  
            (D) None of the above

140.      Which company, out of the following, does not figure in the “Forbes Global 2000” year 2005 ranking?
            (A) NTPC                      (B) ONGC                     (C) SBI                          (D) EIL

141.      Introduction of 3G services in telecommunication industry will NOT include which of the following features?
            (A) Video Streaming                                          (B) Stock Transactions
            (C) E-learning                                                    (D) E-Governance

142.      Which Finance Minister resigned after a report on Haridas Mundhra share imbroglio was published in 1958?
            (A) GK Iyengar                                                  (B) Ramanand Shastri
            (C) TT Krishnamachari                                        (D) V Padmanabhan

143.      Which state tops the revenues collected under the recently implemented VAT tax regime?
            (A) Maharashtra                                     (B) Andhra Pradesg
            (C) Gujarat                                                        (D) Karnataka

144.      Which player recently won the country's highest ever professional Golf Prize held at China?
            (A) Shiv Kapur                                                   (B) Jeev Milkha Singh 
            (C) Gaurav Ghei                                     (D) Jyoti Randhawa

145.      Who is the current Union Minister for Commerce and Industry?
            (A) PC Chidambram                                           (B) MS Ahluwalia
            (C) Praful Patel                                                  (D) Kamalnath

146.      Kevin Rollins is the CEO of which American Corporate giant employing direct business model?
            (A) Wall Mart                 (B) Dell                         (C) Microsoft                 (D) Quark

147.      According to the recently published “India-Pacific Wealth Report”, the number of millionaire investors in India has grown to
            (A) 83,000                     (B) 23,000                     (C)48,000                      (D)  100,000

148.      NIIT Technologies have recently established ties with a Singapore agency to market GeBiz. What is GeBiz?
            (A)  Electronic business portal of Singapore Govt                 
            (B) Portal of Income Tax department of Singapore
            (C) GE's commercial arm based at Singapore    
            (D) None of the above

149.      The investment giant set up by Warren Buffet is:
            (A) DSP Merryl Lynch                                        (B) Berkshire Hathway
            (C) GE Capital                                                   (D) Citi capital

150.      Who has been awarded the Castrol Lifetime Achievement Award recently?
            (A) Sunil Gavaskar                                             (B) Polly Umrigar
            (C) Mohinder Amarnath                                      (D) Erapalli Prasanna


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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora