Saturday, December 25, 2010

True Story of World and God ( Human Vs Meditation)

Free course on Meditation All over World

Below here what is written is an absolute truth of this world and truth about us and our life and I assured to everyone of if you have not listened it before then it will surely Change your life forever ..but if you really think you life need great change that bring in life ocean of love, peace, power, happiness then real it all till end. No single word left. My good wishes for all of you ..
Meditation is most powerful, efficient and easiest way to communicate by any man (devote) to the God but first condition to adept this techniques is to maintain the harmony between our mind-body-soul. This method has been recommended not even by wise man or saint but the God itself. God itself has indentified the meditation as route for divine path but to adopt only this method and start communicating with God it first require the knowledge of self and nature of the God. First need is come out the experience of this physical body, this false body sensation and realize fully that we not mere mortal being but we are souls. We are souls made of point of light. So I am a soul, immortal, peaceful, blessed with virtues first need is understand and realized the self

Then come nature of the God , how actually the God look like as we are souls , a point of the same principle apply for our god..God itself also is a point of light..he is the giver of divine virtues and we are receiver of divine virtues…so this make clear that god is not a body..he is present in a soul consciousness so to reach to speak or listen to him we must need to come out from this body experience and reach in level of soul consciences…
Third come our relation with realized that God is not just a God ..he is supreme father of all of us..father of all divine souls..other relation we have with God is as teacher or student..

But you will be thinking how we come to know about these very good things ..but I would really feel happy to explain that what I have not told above is actually not my word or something taken from the books..This is God own words..God itself has reaveled the techniques of mediation for that childs who love him and are really seeking to God , peace, love, purity, happiness, powers or every single virtue..only the oceans of virtue can bless this virtues

God itself has revealed that he is not Omni present. God does live on earth…he is peaceful soul and he lived at place called “ soul worlds” .This souls worlds is also called as incorporeal world’s .this is not heaven but above the heaven also..heaven is only establish on earth time to time. . This souls worlds is far from earth, moon, sun, galaxy, our universe and all those place where atom, gases or this kind of materials things exists..neither any light, particles, physic or science made things, atoms, space ships, evil can reach at there..Nobody can reach at there..that is the only adobe of God ..that adobe of God is made of light and white light…but what the best things is that we all also are the resident of there..

we all human are souls and we lived at their with our father as their divine children…at that place their no noise no materials …..only complete peace and scene of god transcending all the souls, nourishing all souls with his love and peace..that is really most beautiful and most auspicious experience the now question arise then why we are here…what we are doing on this earth why not living in that divine souls worlds with God…this is because are bound to this endless circle of birth and death..we cannot free ourself from this demarcation of physical boundaries only god can help if we seek for incarnations.

We all lived at that divine world but when our time come ..we have to come on earth adopt on flesh boon made body..and to play our part…we are like an actor on this earth, this earth is not our but gift from the god so that we can experience the change through this at time to time we come from those souls world and descended on earth ..adopt the body as an actor without knowing ourself in body consciousness….as when we come body we forget about our soul worlds, get ourselves in spill of these materiel confusion, living life of struggle, in false illusion, ignorance, body sensation, false experiences ..

we slowly become old …so much morally corrupt with time..become powerless and at the zenith of suffering we finally died..mean our body died but not we are dead bcz we are point of light..we are souls, immortal…very soon according to time we will be assign new body of baby to take our next birth and then again died and then again next birth new body…we continue until don’t completed one world cycle ….one world cycle if consisting of 5000 years…divined into 4 part of 1250 years each ..which make 1250*4=5000 years…this parts are (1) golden age of 1250 years (2) silver age of 1250 years (3) bronze age of 1250 years (4 ) Iron age of 1250 years ….which can be further categorize in two parts (a) Heaven= Golden age + Silver Age (first 2500 years )……….(b) Hell= Bronze age+ Silver age (last 2500 years) …now according to current we are 4 zone mean iron age..where life is full of grief, morally corrupt, peace less …

so we are now at the end of this Iron age and only 27 years has been left to completed this world circule..after near about 27 years there will be kingdom of heaven mean Golden age ..Establish by the God itself…so after our dead body..we all souls will get move back to our divine souls worlds ..will stay they in peace for short time.get reacher by god with enough of power ..and again as per our deeds or sins, acc our bads and god works or karma..we will be enquired for our work account

if our account will be positive we will descend on earth in golden age ..where everything is full of happiness, peace, powerful..knowledge full and all in soul lust, no sin….only meaningful life

but if we have negative account then we will be given a time of hell mean Bronze age or silver age..a time where souls are living already a miserable is worth noticing at time of heaven mean Golden and Silver age of 2500 years there is no religion on this earth..all souls religions is truth and lustful love ..

The time for all the religion souls like named as “Abraham, Buddha, jesus, Muhammad” occur at time when earth is in hell zone of bronze age .. “ so if we have good deed then awarded heaven and if more sins then awarded Hell..both on single place earth..but good news to all ..that this hell like earth is going to end soon because to transform this earth into heaven God has already establish on this earth first time in 1937 .. Because now we have last birth and most major task of this world cycle we have to achieved in this time only ....our next birth will establish in the heaven .. As our body get perish or end we get release from these physical boundaries and get back to our divine souls world ..where we stay in some rest with god and again after short time descend on earth and start working as ac actor again and again ..

But why is happening ..this world drama ..why man destiny is filled with grief, misery, incident, strange happening, carrying , weeping, screaming or struggling long this will happened..what is end of all that.?

how this actually happened..what is happening much transformation is is god is doing it and when will heaven will be establish..what is our role ..what we have to all this answers you need to go beyond the the below given passage..and purified your mind ..understand how this university is evolved for the rightists task ..why , when and how please read belows..

what i have written above is actually is The God own words… God itself has revealed that all rightists and truthful persons named as “ Jesus, Abraham, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna” are his lovely and most purified children, but not the god in itself..due to their right action they are given status of god..yet they are purest manifestation of him, the divine father , I am an ocean of virtues, the father of all the souls, the Supreme, I never come in circle birth and death, nor I am an omni present, we all belongs to “ souls words” and descend on earth time to time ..i am the most powerful, the ocean of love and peace.only difference between god and us is that we are bound to this circle of birth and death and seeks for the incarnation but god itself never take birth, he only come at the end of this hell like world to establish the right kingdom of heaven…for this purpose.. god adopts the body of purest old person for few times because of this physical protocol to communicated with their children..
As this God has descend on the earth first time at 1937 at location sindh Pakistan adopting the body of one old man, it was happened in front of more then 300 devotee peoples consisting child, parents on one religion occasions...the occasions was full of light and what happened then was like magical experience for those peoples..after fews seconds God revealed itself that he has come to meet his divine children and to raveled that this earth is going to pass soon in a major transformation change in coming 100 years by mean of destruction, earthquake, war, morally fall down of mankind god want to establish the Golden age of on this earth which is heaven ..for this godfather wants few peaceful and purest souls to participate in this right task and make it successful..Experiencing the god and following god instruction large no of peoples around the world had gathered at location Mount Abu, rajyastan, India and they formed an university termed as “ Brahma Kumaries World spiritual University” ..

since then god has descended for more than 18 years everyday’s and teach the world knowledge and mediation( right way to communicate with god) and what more good is that god is still descending thorough one another medium adopting body of one old lady at mount abu time to time in gathering of more than 50000 peoples and to meet every this transformation this earth from hell to heaven is already active in more than 130 countries and working with United Nation for their Peace keeping mission all over world ..god message is reaching now every corner of world and strong presence in India, U.S., Germany, Russia , japan, UK., Africa all over..god itself has welcome to everyone at their home at his various center..Please come experience god , learn godly knowledge and mediation at free of cost, no charges for anything but peace and love in return for everyone..for more info contact this university as soon as possible and reach to your nearby center …info about this can be find from their website..come and meet to our fathers and make our life full of peace, purity, love, happiness, meaningful and successful..!

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Om Shanti !

1 comment:

Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora