Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Transformation in Rural Sector of India

Best Innovative Ways by which Government can transform Rural Sector of India

1) Give wheat mix with soybeans that access to nutrition diet.
2) village Panchyat should act as board of member to govt school
3) set up polytechinical college in rular India
4) installed national liabary system in every village
5) govt should ventures in Microfinance
6) with private help made food storage infra in rular india linked with center national pds system
7) bring Crisil, fitch rating to every village according with development 8) install rular separate education board like ugc
9) make groups of 5-6 village with a task to achieve some aim
10) boost up organic agriculture system.
11) media rule is most curical, who has less coverage to rular india.
12)IT technologies can add online vedio confercing facilities to connect rular people directly with state assembly.
13) better road transportion infrastructure connected center to rular india.
14) amendment in consititution that bring right to broadband access like countries as Finland.
15) land reform law, for setting up industries, SME, SEZ where land should be given to farmers in against with seize lands.
‎16) Effictively monitor the migration of peoples frm one state to anothers.for ex state industries like Punjab, Harayna, Delhi are largerly dependent upon labour from UP, bihar..but now as effect of NREGA migration has come down and big harm to these state industries.
17) state like Charkand, chattisgarh are full of resources. But govt failure in mining has allow capitilist to seize those area for mining on low rate, a big harm to those state !
‎18) Increase the MSP (minimum support prizes) of foodgrain produce by farmers, so farmers don't go for suicide as what happening in Maharastra souht states
19) reform the way govt provide subsidies as all food policy should be work oriented.
20) Strict regulation in Diesel prize which is highly sensitive for inflations.
‎21) Bring down the multi party system of India and let have India bipolar system. Bcz it's fact that 'Unified we stand and Dividend we fall'. Adopt Parliamentry system of bipolar like Republic vs Democratic vs Labour party like US and Uk have !
22) Bring the quote of woman in village panchat.
23) Bring those FDI in rular sector which higher domestic labour of rular and equipied them with required skills.
24) India labour law is worst in the world, reform it up to credibilty level.
25) Adding the Sports infrastrucer in rular India can do a Magic!
‎26) Bring Finincial Inclusion much faster with aim having rular bank account by every villagers on basis of KNY norms.
27) End the dependency on the mansoon rain, and find it water storage system.
28) India ground water level is decreasing to fast tubewell in village working for a day can hollow whole ground.stop it.find its alternative.
29) since green revolution of 1976 has come to its place, it's Indian are waiting for next green revolution.and in organic way!
30) controll on the subsidies given to farmers, for exp as large subsidies given in fartelizers available as large stocks of fertilizers on cheap rate.since due to illetarcy, farmers tend to use fertilizers in excessive way.which show negtive impact on output of production!
31) as in 1950 Agricuture sector share was near 58 % and dependency of people on this sector was near about 60% of entire 1 billion population of india. Now agri become biggest loopholes in India bcz as per 2010 stat agri share of indian economy is just 18%, manifecture 22% and services 60%.but dependency of agri is still same around 55%.
32)so decreases in shares of agri sector from 58% to 18% but more the 60 crores people depends upon this small shares make very low distribution of incomes, tht why our Indian rular sector is back.Farmers are poors.And despite so rich is stil known as 3 generation countries! 33) Govt have to boost up agri sector. And solution of this agri should be made market based!
‎34) Solution of Agri is made it market based. How by bring tradind in agriculture like on Sensex, Bse. Listed agri sector on trading bloc.let have trading in agri shares.boost up agri based company by mean of issueing IPO.
35) Make and controlled regulation on water by bringing price based system, in same way like regulations of patrol and diesel system is done.this will help india water storage system equipied well for next generations.
36) Allow Fdi in retail sector but have consumers proction and karayna proctions law.this will add retail compony to directly buy food frm farmers.cutting down the middle arm of 3 party responcible for holding supply. And will decrease in Inflations.
37) Govt policy implemention is very if 10 lakh crores of budget is made by finince ministry annuly for development of india but fact is niether farmers is happy, nor consumers, nor a lay man, nor the govt ministry.then who is happy. Where does all the money Go! Why Indian system is so corrupted.why not to change it.
38) if we distributed this 10 lakh crores equilly in 28 states of 500 districts of 5 lakh village then for each willage there come 2 lakh Rs.but where is development and money does not reach to village.
39) bring RTI act for beurocratic, minister, high income officer to display all info of there monthly income.
40) our combined GDP economy is of Rs 100 lakh crores now. But more then 250 lakh crores is reserved in swiss bank.bring it to india.
‎41) naxalim is biggest threat to india.and only way to stop them is do development not just for rular but tribal area.
41)open up one nano R&D lab in group of 4-5 village, where research on seed, agri condition should be done.
42) boost up animal, fishiry husbendry and field like horticulture that can help to put extra money in pocket of rular area.

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Thanks A lot For your opinions ! Regards: Vikas Arora